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2 months ago
France news

Attack on Nigerien forces kills 23 soldiers and underscores continued conflict with militants

Militant attack in Niger kills 23 soldiers
Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso facing jihadi groups' violence [ more ]
2 months ago
France news

Several Nigerien soldiers killed in ambush near Burkina Faso, Mali border

23 soldiers killed in Niger terrorist ambush
More than 100 terrorists attacked army unit [ more ]
2 months ago
US politics

U.S. Searching for a Way to Keep Troops in Niger

Niger revokes military cooperation deal with US, impacting security strategy in Africa
Pentagon seeks ways for American troops to stay in Niger despite junta's pronouncement [ more ]
2 months ago
France news

Niger revokes military cooperation with US, junta spokesperson says

Niger government ended military cooperation with the US following discussions about the junta's trajectory.
US still has troops in Niger despite strained relations due to the coup and limited assistance. [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

French closes Niger embassy until further notice

The French embassy in Niamey, Niger's capital, is now closed due to obstacles that hindered its diplomatic mission. This closure comes after deteriorating relations between the two countries following a military coup in Niger in July 2023.
The closure of the embassy coincided with the withdrawal of French soldiers deployed in Niger. This closure is an extremely rare measure. [ more ]
5 months ago
France politics

Niger suspends cooperation with international Francophone body

The Nigerien military government has disengaged from multiple foreign partners since the coup in July.
5 months ago
France news

Last G5 Sahel members Chad, Mauritania acknowledge alliance is a spent force

The two remaining members of West Africa's G5 alliance are dissolving the anti-jihadist group after the other three founding countries left.
Burkina Faso and Niger criticized the G5 Sahel for failing to achieve its objectives and hindering their ambitions for security and development. [ more ]
Washington Post
6 months ago
France politics

How African juntas are using anger at France to consolidate control

Niger's military coup leaders have capitalized on anti-French sentiment to solidify their popularity.
The coup leaders are promoting a populist message calling for the departure of the French military and diplomats from the region. [ more ]
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