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2 weeks ago
Media industry

Study shows lack of trust among Hispanics in local English-language news organizations - Poynter

The decline of local newspapers creates news deserts, impacting democracy and accessibility of information for communities like Hispanics in Raleigh-Durham. [ more ]
2 months ago
Media industry

America's news deserts' and what it means for democracy podcast

Local news is crucial for building communication and trust in communities.
Loss of local newspapers creates 'news deserts' affecting democracy. [ more ]
1 month ago
Media industry

The case for funding environmental journalism right now - Poynter

Local news reporting faces significant decline, leading to news deserts in many areas of the U.S.
Philanthropy is stepping in to support local journalism and bridge the gap in news coverage. [ more ]
The Nation
2 months ago
Media industry

The Death and Life of Great American Media

Decline of the news business and journalism job insecurity
Impact of news deserts on local accountability [ more ]
Nieman Lab
3 months ago
Media industry

Wealthier, urban Americans have access to more local news

Local news availability linked to wealth and location
Inequity leads to news deserts and challenges for sustainable local journalism [ more ]
4 months ago
Media industry

From the inside, a nonprofit news leader says the sector is several years away from its potential - Poynter

The American Journalism Project has raised a total of $112.5 million in funding.
AJP focuses on supporting big-city startups and existing early-stage startups through grants and expert support. [ more ]
#news deserts
5 months ago
Media industry

Some of the biggest victims of news deserts are conservative voters in conservative counties - Poynter

83% of counties without news sources voted for Trump in 2020
Local news crisis disproportionately affects Republican areas [ more ]
6 months ago
Media industry

One-third of U.S. newspapers as of 2005 will be gone by 2024

The decline of local newspapers in the US has accelerated and one-third of newspapers from 2005 could be lost by the end of next year.
Most communities that lose a local newspaper do not get a replacement, even online.
Over the past two years, newspapers have been disappearing at a rate of more than two per week, leaving some counties without any local news outlet. [ more ]
morenews deserts
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