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4 months ago
Web design

Senior Solutions Engineer (EMEA) at Netlify

Netlify aims to unite Composable Web and Headless Architecture for the best developer experience, while providing solutions for businesses and developers worldwide. [ more ]
5 months ago

How to make edge rendering fast | Netlify Developers

Edge rendering paired with smart caching can enhance frontend performance by leveraging edge API caching for faster responses. [ more ]
Alone Djangonaut
3 years ago
Web design

How to create a website using Pelican and Netlify (January 2021)

Pelican is a Python-based static site generator for creating websites from Markdown or reStructuredText files.
Netlify provides hosting for web applications and static websites, including DNS management services. [ more ]
9 months ago

Awesome Netlify Updates

Netlify has released a series of cool updates over the past two months.
Caching improvements, including the ability to add caching in Edge Functions and automatic cache invalidation upon site redeployment.
Netlify also introduced a Purge API for more control over the cache. [ more ]
3 months ago

Adding Your Buttondown Email Stats to Your Website

Buttondown is an easy and quick solution for newsletters. [ more ]
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