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The New York Review of Books
1 month ago

Reading, Reading, Reading | Peter C. Baker

The Wall by Marlen Haushofer raises questions about the purpose of writing and existence, explored through its narrator's journal entries in a postapocalyptic setting. [ more ]
The New York Review of Books
1 month ago

Reading, Reading, Reading | Peter C. Baker

In 'The Wall,' Marlen Haushofer explores life's purpose and existence through the lens of a narrator isolated in nature, prompting reflection on the act of writing and human endeavors. [ more ]
The New York Review of Books
1 month ago

Reading, Reading, Reading | Peter C. Baker

The Wall by Marlen Haushofer raises questions about the purpose of writing and existence, explored through its narrator's journal entries in a postapocalyptic setting. [ more ]
The New York Review of Books
1 month ago

Reading, Reading, Reading | Peter C. Baker

In 'The Wall,' Marlen Haushofer explores life's purpose and existence through the lens of a narrator isolated in nature, prompting reflection on the act of writing and human endeavors. [ more ]
4 months ago

Georgi Gospodinov: There was a culture of silence it was safer not to say what you think'

Georgi Gospodinov won the International Booker prize for his dystopian comedy Time Shelter.
Gospodinov's storytelling style challenges narrative norms by branching off without a linear path. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Rose Tremain: Sex scenes are like arias in opera. They have to move the story forwards'

Absolutely and Forever is a coming-of-age novel inspired by a friend's tragic love story, with a compressed narrative to capture vivid memories. [ more ]
1 week ago

War by Louis-Ferdinand Celine review disturbing, compelling, incomplete

Do not expect traditional novel pleasures from this unique volume blending war experiences and harsh narrative tone. [ more ]
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