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4 months ago
OMG science

Earth's moon is shrinking. Here's what scientists say that could mean

The lunar south pole, which is being targeted for exploration by multiple countries, may be prone to moonquakes and landslides, posing a threat to potential human settlers and equipment.
The moon's core is gradually cooling and shrinking, causing the surface to develop creases and leading to seismic activity. [ more ]
Mail Online
4 months ago
OMG science

The moon is SHRINKING - and it could be disastrous for NASA

The moon is shrinking due to its dense, metallic core cooling down, causing the lunar surface to contract and become more brittle.
The shrinking moon could pose a danger to NASA's Artemis astronauts due to the increased risk of moonquakes and landslides. [ more ]
5 months ago
OMG science

The Moon Is Shrinking and Crumbling, Scientists Say

Moonquakes recorded by Apollo seismometers have been linked to fault lines and landslides near the Moon's south pole.
The Moon is still actively shrinking, causing its surface to become fractured by creases and cracks. [ more ]
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