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Washington Post
2 weeks ago
Europe news

Ukraine's failure to build defenses in Kharkiv aided Russian reinvasion

Kyiv slow to ramp up mobilization despite troop complaints and shortages. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
3 months ago
Europe news

Russia to raise fighting age to a 'lifetime contract' to 'alleviate the need for additional mobilisation'

Vladimir Putin is considering raising the fighting age to a maximum of 70 years old
British military intelligence believes this move will bolster Russia's troops in Ukraine [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Five challenges facing Ukraine's new army chief Oleksandr Syrsky

Ukraine's new army head Oleksandr Syrsky is facing several pressing challenges, including the struggle to secure foreign aid from allies like the US and the EU.
There is disagreement between Ukraine's military and political leadership regarding how to replenish the army's ranks, with Syrsky's predecessor calling for 500,000 servicemen while President Zelensky prefers a more efficient rotation system. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe news

Russian soldiers' wives: 'Bring them home' DW 12/09/2023

Relatives of mobilized Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine have formed a movement demanding their return
The authorities are concerned about the protests escalating but also acknowledge that mobilization remains in force [ more ]
3 months ago
UK politics

Young climate activists aim to sway six Labour candidate selections

Young climate activists are discreetly trying to influence Labour's candidate selection process in six constituencies before the general election.
Green New Deal Rising (GNDR) aims to mobilize thousands of young activists to promote candidates in marginal seats.
GNDR has already trained 2,000 organizers and hopes to mobilize 10,000 core activists by the time of the election. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Britons face call-up to armed forces if UK goes to war with Russia, army chief says

The size of the British armed forces is too small to handle potential conflicts and citizens may be called up to fight if a war breaks out.
NATO military commander has also expressed the need for mobilization and conscription in preparation for potential conflict with Russia in the next 20 years. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war live: changes needed in Ukraine's approach, says Zelenskiy, as Putin boosts troops numbers

Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, acknowledges the need for improvements in the country's mobilization system.
Debate in Ukraine focuses on altering procedures and increasing the number of younger and more skilled recruits.
Vladimir Putin orders an increase of 170,000 in the Russian armed forces. [ more ]
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