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2 months ago

Controversial attack ad on Sadiq Khan made solely by Tory HQ, source says

Conservative attack video on London created by central party, not mayoral candidate
Video filled with dubious claims and incorrect scenes received negative feedback from party members [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Tories censured for misleading information on Twitter five times more than Labour

Conservative Party more likely to share false information on social media
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak flagged for misleading claims 25 times [ more ]
2 months ago

Controversial attack ad on Sadiq Khan made solely by Tory HQ, source says

Conservative attack video on London created by central party, not mayoral candidate
Video filled with dubious claims and incorrect scenes received negative feedback from party members [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Tories censured for misleading information on Twitter five times more than Labour

Conservative Party more likely to share false information on social media
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak flagged for misleading claims 25 times [ more ]
3 months ago
Canada news

Air Canada Has to Honor a Refund Policy Its Chatbot Made Up

Air Canada provided a partial refund to a passenger due to misinformation from the chatbot.
Air Canada argued that the responsibility for the chatbot's misleading information lies with the chatbot as a separate legal entity. [ more ]
4 months ago
Canada news

How can I mislead you? Air Canada found liable for chatbot's bad advice on bereavement rates | CBC News

Air Canada has been ordered to pay compensation to a customer misled by a chatbot into purchasing full-price flight tickets.
The airline attempted to distance itself from the chatbot's advice by claiming it was a separate legal entity responsible for its own actions.
The Civil Resolution Tribunal ruled that Air Canada is responsible for the information on its website, regardless of whether it comes from a static page or a chatbot. [ more ]
3 months ago
Canada news

Air Canada Has to Honor a Refund Policy Its Chatbot Made Up

Air Canada provided a partial refund to a passenger due to misinformation from the chatbot.
Air Canada argued that the responsibility for the chatbot's misleading information lies with the chatbot as a separate legal entity. [ more ]
4 months ago
Canada news

How can I mislead you? Air Canada found liable for chatbot's bad advice on bereavement rates | CBC News

Air Canada has been ordered to pay compensation to a customer misled by a chatbot into purchasing full-price flight tickets.
The airline attempted to distance itself from the chatbot's advice by claiming it was a separate legal entity responsible for its own actions.
The Civil Resolution Tribunal ruled that Air Canada is responsible for the information on its website, regardless of whether it comes from a static page or a chatbot. [ more ]
The Times of India
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Imran Khan: Watch: How Pakistan leader Imran Khan used AI to deliver this 'victory speech' | - Times of India

Imran Khan's victory speech after the general election was delivered by an AI mimic of his voice.
The use of AI to simulate political speeches raises questions about the potential for manipulating and misleading information. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
4 months ago

London Fire Brigade accused of misleading London Assembly Members

The London Fire Brigade has been accused of misleading London Assembly Members about the number of dismissals made in relation to the toxic culture review.
New information reveals that of the 13 dismissals mentioned by the LFB Commissioner, several were not related to the culture review but rather standard dismissals. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
New York City

Columbia University slapped with restraining over 'catch and kill' scheme on doctor's abuse victims: lawyer

Columbia University has been issued a restraining order for engaging in a 'catch and kill' scheme involving sexual abuse survivors of Robert Hadden.
Columbia provided misleading information about session limitations and options for legal action, leading a judge to shut it down. [ more ]
4 months ago

63% of financial advice on TikTok is misleading, one study found. Users love it anyway

Financial advice from influencers on platforms like TikTok can be misleading and unsound.
Studies have found that a large percentage of stock-related videos on TikTok are misleading and lack disclaimers about investment risks. [ more ]
1 week ago
Left-wing politics

Hot Mic Catches Biden Talking About His Advance Team' Which For Some Reason Republicans Jump On

President Biden's interactions during D-Day event were misinterpreted by the Republican Party's official account leading to a viral misleading clip. [ more ]
1 week ago
Left-wing politics

FAUX NEWS!' Biden Campaign Beats Up On Fox Anchor John Roberts With Blistering Memos On 2 Consecutive Days

The Biden campaign criticized Fox News anchor John Roberts for misleading viewers about President Biden's accomplishments. [ more ]
2 days ago
London politics

Sadiq Khan criticised by statistics watchdog over house-building claims

The London mayor's language regarding the number of affordable homes built using City Hall funding was criticized for being misleading. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 days ago
Left-wing politics

Column: Suggesting that Biden has dementia? 'If...shame still exists, I'd call it shameful'

An alert system for TV campaign ads could help viewers avoid negative and misleading content during the election season. [ more ]
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