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Harvard Gazette
1 month ago
OMG science

Got milk? Does it give you problems? - Harvard Gazette

Milk consumption is a complex topic globally due to lactose intolerance. [ more ]
1 month ago

Low risk for human bird flu transmission

Bird flu can pass between mammals, but transmission to humans through milk is unlikely. [ more ]
5 months ago

No salt please, we're British: how to make the perfect cup of tea

According to Prof Michelle Francl, adding salt to tea can temper any bitterness and enhance the flavor.
Using hot water and steeping the tea for a longer period of time can increase the extraction of caffeine and antioxidants. [ more ]
The New Yorker
7 months ago

Milk, the Book!

Artist Peter Blegvad developed an obsession with milk after reading an interview with Alfred Hitchcock about a scene involving milk in the film "Suspicion".
Blegvad has been collecting quotations about milk to uncover its secrets for over fifty years.
"Milk: Through a Glass Darkly" is Blegvad's latest book, a collection of 342 numbered quotations about milk. [ more ]
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