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4 months ago
EU data protection

The Big Misunderstanding: What MiCA Really Means for Stablecoins in Europe

MiCA confirms that stablecoin issuers must be regulated as electronic money institutions (EMIs)
Many stablecoins currently offered in Europe are illegal because they are not authorized and regulated as electronic money (e-money) [ more ]
1 week ago
EU data protection

EU Body Publishes Final Draft Technical Standards for Prudential Matters: MiCA

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published final draft technical standards for crypto firms under MiCA legislation. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

The Big Misunderstanding: What MiCA Really Means for Stablecoins in Europe

MiCA confirms that stablecoin issuers must be regulated as electronic money institutions (EMIs)
Many stablecoins currently offered in Europe are illegal because they are not authorized and regulated as electronic money (e-money) [ more ]
1 week ago
EU data protection

EU Body Publishes Final Draft Technical Standards for Prudential Matters: MiCA

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published final draft technical standards for crypto firms under MiCA legislation. [ more ]
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