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1 week ago

Call to Action: Next Step to Save the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Bike Lane - Streetsblog San Francisco

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission voted to potentially close bike access on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, pending further approvals. [ more ]
5 months ago
East Bay real estate

Metropolitan Transportation Commission Still Punting Housing Requirements - Streetsblog San Francisco

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission is considering relaxing transit-oriented development requirements to receive funds under its Housing Incentive Pool
Roughly half the cities in MTC's jurisdiction are not on track to build enough housing to comply with state mandates [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
5 months ago
San Francisco

Clipper's BayPass Pilot Program starts next phase, offering 6,000 UCSF employees unlimited rides

Testing is entering the next phase of the BayPass Pilot Program by including 6,000 employees with UC San Francisco.
The BayPass allows people to ride BART and other modes of public transportation for free and is currently only available in a pilot program. [ more ]
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