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2 months ago
France politics

France's Macron tells Brazilian execs that prospective Mercosur-EU deal is 'terrible' and outdated

Macron criticizes Mercosur-EU trade deal as outdated and harmful due to lack of environmental standards.
Concerns raised by Macron over pesticides, environmental, and health standards in Mercosur negotiations. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe politics

Will the EU-Mercosur trade talks ever end? DW 03/05/2024

Fear among EU farmers affecting trade deal
Stalled negotiations between EU and Mercosur [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe politics

Is it all over for the EU-Mercosur free trade deal? DW 12/06/2023

The free trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur has been postponed again, but negotiations will continue after Argentina's new president takes office.
Brazilian President Lula da Silva is disappointed with the delay and remains committed to fighting for the deal after more than 20 years of negotiations. [ more ]
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