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2 weeks ago

Maui Wildfires Had Severe Health and Economic Consequences on Residents, Study Finds

Many Maui residents faced health and economic challenges post-2023 wildfires, indicating a need for long-term support and resources. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

Man gets 60 years to life for Oakland love triangle murder

A 32-year-old man received a 60-years-to-life prison sentence for fatally shooting his romantic rival in Oakland in 2021. [ more ]
1 month ago
Mental health

Review of gender services has major implications for mental health services

NHS gender services for children need a shift towards holistic assessments for individualized care.
Proposed changes include addressing wider mental health concerns alongside gender dysphoria. [ more ]
2 months ago

Canadian school boards sue social media giants over effects on students

Social media platforms are addictive and can rewire children's thinking, behavior, and learning.
Several major school boards in Canada are suing social media giants for disrupting students' learning and causing addiction. [ more ]
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