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Nielsen Norman Group
1 month ago
UX design

The Picture-Superiority Effect: Harness the Power of Visuals

Visuals like images are remembered better than words, known as the picture-superiority effect. [ more ]
Alternative Medicine Magazine
1 month ago
Mental health

The Incredible Cognitive and Mental Benefits of Walking

Walking is a preferred method for boosting emotional health, with cognitive benefits like increased blood flow to the brain and improved memory and focus. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
1 month ago
Data science

The Brain's Playbook: Cognitivism In eLearning

Cognitivism emphasizes understanding the inner workings of the mind, meaningful learning experiences, problem-solving, and memory retention for effective learning design. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Your perception of time is skewed by what you see

Features like size and clutter influence the brain's perception of time while observing scenes. [ more ]
2 months ago

This is how you can make your brain remember the most important things

The human brain has limited capacity for memory, focusing on retaining what's important.
Multitasking leads to fragmented memories and reduced ability to retain information. [ more ]
The Drum
1 month ago

The Drum

Visual marketing is crucial for audience engagement. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
3 months ago
Online learning

Utilizing Microlearning To Enhance Sales Skills

On-Demand Learning
Improving Memory Retention [ more ]
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