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2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Didn't Know Africa Was a Country': Newsmax Host Faceplants While Trying to Recall President's Gaffes

Rob Finnerty, while pointing out President Biden's memory lapses, attributed false information to a report from Robert Hur, demonstrating how easily misinformation can spread. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

A Corvette, Swimsuit Shots and a Trip to Mongolia: Biden Offers a Selfie Tour of His Life

President Biden shared personal stories during interviews with prosecutors.
President Biden was imprecise about government documents in his possession, saying 'I don't remember' over 50 times. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

No Trial for Biden Over Documents, but a Political Mess

Special counsel concludes no criminal charges against President Biden for handling classified material.
Biden criticized for sharing sensitive information with a ghostwriter and having memory lapses during interviews. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Didn't Know Africa Was a Country': Newsmax Host Faceplants While Trying to Recall President's Gaffes

Rob Finnerty, while pointing out President Biden's memory lapses, attributed false information to a report from Robert Hur, demonstrating how easily misinformation can spread. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

A Corvette, Swimsuit Shots and a Trip to Mongolia: Biden Offers a Selfie Tour of His Life

President Biden shared personal stories during interviews with prosecutors.
President Biden was imprecise about government documents in his possession, saying 'I don't remember' over 50 times. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

No Trial for Biden Over Documents, but a Political Mess

Special counsel concludes no criminal charges against President Biden for handling classified material.
Biden criticized for sharing sensitive information with a ghostwriter and having memory lapses during interviews. [ more ]
5 months ago
Mental health

That's just normal forgetting': the difference between memory loss and dementia and how to protect your brain

Stress can cause memory lapses and difficulty with memory and recall.
Normal forgetfulness is different from early signs of dementia or age-related cognitive decline. [ more ]
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