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2 months ago

New GP practice opens to serve 4,000-home development

New GP practice, Beam Park Medical Practice, opened at Beam Park Health Centre in Halewood Way on April 2.
Beam Park Health Centre to have 22 consulting rooms, three interview rooms, one enhanced treatment room, and an open plan office with 25 desk spaces. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

'Serious' critical incident forces Bromley GPs to cancel routine blood tests

Ransomware cyber attack on Synnovis affecting medical services in south east London. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Hospitals cyber attack impacts 800 operations

800 planned operations and 700 outpatient appointments rearranged due to cyber attack on London hospitals. [ more ]
2 months ago

New GP practice opens to serve 4,000-home development

New GP practice, Beam Park Medical Practice, opened at Beam Park Health Centre in Halewood Way on April 2.
Beam Park Health Centre to have 22 consulting rooms, three interview rooms, one enhanced treatment room, and an open plan office with 25 desk spaces. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

'Serious' critical incident forces Bromley GPs to cancel routine blood tests

Ransomware cyber attack on Synnovis affecting medical services in south east London. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Hospitals cyber attack impacts 800 operations

800 planned operations and 700 outpatient appointments rearranged due to cyber attack on London hospitals. [ more ]
5 months ago
Public health

"Good news for health care": RSV shots are driving seniors back to checkups

Use of medical services increased after the introduction of RSV shots for older Americans.
The increased demand for care is driven by the RSV shots as well as heightened COVID activity and shifts in seniors' healthcare utilization. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Qilin: What we know about the Russian gang behind London hospital cyber attack

Qilin, a Russian cybercriminal group, targeted a pathology services provider impacting major London hospitals, leading to a severe reduction in capacity and disruption of essential medical services. [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 weeks ago

London hospitals declare emergency following ransomware attack

Ransomware attack on medical provider in London disrupts hospital services, leading to cancellation of surgeries and appointments. [ more ]
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