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2 days ago
OMG science

Trial results for new lung cancer drug are off the charts', say doctors

A new drug, lorlatinib, has shown unprecedented success in stopping lung cancer progression, leading to a longer survival rate compared to standard treatment. [ more ]
2 days ago
OMG science

Thousands of cancer patients to trial personalised vaccines

Access to cancer vaccine trials in the NHS for patients using mRNA technology to fight cancer. [ more ]
1 week ago

Ozempic Cuts Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease Complications, Study Finds

Semaglutide reduces risk of kidney complications, heart issues, and death in Type 2 diabetes patients with chronic kidney disease. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Weight loss drug could reduce heart attack risk by 20%, study finds

A weight loss injection with semaglutide could reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, or death due to cardiovascular disease by 20%. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Great Ormond Street hoping to license gene therapy for bubble baby' syndrome

Gene therapy trial had high success but was dropped by pharmaceutical company, prompting Great Ormond Street hospital to license the therapy non-profit for wider access. [ more ]
Washington Post
3 weeks ago

Deaf baby hears for the first time after 'groundbreaking' gene therapy trial

Opal Sandy, born deaf due to a genetic condition, can now hear unaided after groundbreaking gene therapy. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

UK toddler has hearing restored in world first gene therapy trial

Significant milestone in gene therapy for treating deafness. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

First Patient Begins Newly Approved Sickle Cell Gene Therapy

Commercially approved gene therapy offers hope to sickle cell patients like Kendric Cromer, potentially leading to a cure. [ more ]
4 months ago

Gene therapy hailed as medical magic wand' for hereditary swelling disorder

A groundbreaking gene therapy has provided a permanent cure for patients with hereditary angioedema, a rare and debilitating disease.
Patients in the first human trial of the therapy experienced a dramatic improvement in their symptoms and were able to come off long-term medication. [ more ]
1 month ago

Woman Becomes First Person to Receive Both Pig Kidney Transplant and Heart Pump

A groundbreaking procedure involving a genetically modified pig kidney transplant offers hope for patients with both heart and kidney disease. [ more ]
1 month ago

Drug breakthrough could usher in 'new era' for blood cancer treatment

Blocking enzyme in the body's cells can slow acute myeloid leukaemia progression. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 month ago

The Long-Term Effects of GLP-1 Drugs Are Unknown

Insulin was a groundbreaking discovery for diabetes, leading to significant advancements in medicine. [ more ]
1 month ago

Recipient of world's first pig kidney transplant discharged from Boston hospital

World's first pig kidney transplant recipient heading home after successful surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital.
The pig kidney was genetically edited to remove harmful pig genes and improve compatibility by adding certain human genes. [ more ]
3 months ago

Is the 100-year old TB vaccine a new weapon against Alzheimer's?

The BCG vaccine was initially developed to fight bovine tuberculosis, but it led to the creation of a vaccine that has saved millions of lives.
Preliminary studies suggest that the BCG vaccine could protect against Alzheimer's disease, potentially offering a cost-effective solution in the fight against dementia. [ more ]
5 months ago

New sickle cell treatment has roots at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

The FDA has approved the first gene therapy treatments for sickle cell disease, a blood disorder that primarily affects people of color.
The gene therapy was tested at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and has shown promising results in patients. [ more ]
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