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3 days ago

Race removed as factor in kidney function test, allowing Minneapolis woman to receive transplant sooner

A major change in the medical world is helping to make kidney transplants more racially equitable. [ more ]
1 week ago

Pediatricians Reverse Decades-Old Advice Against HIV-Positive Mothers Breastfeeding

People with HIV on effective medications can breastfeed to reduce transmission risk to less than 1%. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Celebrities Quietly Paying Huge Amounts for Anti-Aging Stem Cell Therapy That May Cause Gruesome Side Effects

Stem cell treatments for anti-aging may not be as beneficial as believed, posing potential risks to health and lacking sufficient regulation. [ more ]
1 month ago

Grandmother Becomes Second Patient to Receive Kidney From Gene-Edited Pig

The second successful kidney transplant from a genetically modified pig occurred at NYU Langone Health, showcasing advancements in xenotransplantation. [ more ]
1 month ago

Burden of getting medical care can exhaust older patients

The complexity and lack of coordination in the American healthcare system can lead to significant challenges for patients in accessing appropriate care.
While advancements in medicine have been beneficial, the system's complexity and poor fit with older adults' needs create barriers to optimal care. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
2 months ago
Data science

Upskilling For The Future: Unleashing The Power Of eLearning For Doctors After MBBS

eLearning enables doctors to upskill in a constantly evolving medical field
Flexibility and accessibility of eLearning for doctors after MBBS [ more ]
2 months ago

Alabama's Embryo Personhood Decision Threatens Patients, Medicine and Advances in IVF

The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos from IVF are considered unborn children, impacting lawsuits for loss due to wrongful acts. Patients and the medical community are concerned about the negative effects on fertility care advancements. [ more ]
The Atlantic
2 months ago

The Pregnant Moms Trying to Get a Miracle Drug for Their Babies

Trikafta, a treatment for cystic fibrosis, can significantly improve patients' quality of life.
Parents are willing to go to great lengths to secure Trikafta for their unborn children. [ more ]
2 months ago

Lib Dem London mayoral candidate Rob Blackie reveals he has completed cancer treatment

Completing cancer treatment at Guy's Hospital after immunotherapy
Advocating for cancer patients to start treatment within two months of referral [ more ]
3 months ago

Severe Frostbite Gets a Treatment That May Prevent Amputation

Frostbite treatment historically included rewarming, aspirin, amputation, and waiting for auto-amputation.
FDA approved iloprost as the first therapy for severe frostbite, improving blood circulation and limiting tissue damage. [ more ]
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