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3 weeks ago
Boston Celtics

Current, former Celtics call out ESPN's 'Get Up' for narrative about 'tension' between Tatum and Brown

Pressure on Celtics players highlighted by current and former players in response to media narratives. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

How the Trump trial is playing in Maga world: sublime indifference, collective shrug

Two contrasting narratives emerge from different media sources regarding Donald Trump's trial, showcasing the division in American perspectives. [ more ]
The Nation
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

It's Time to Get Over Biden's Age

President Biden's age should not be a factor in the upcoming election as his likely opponent, Trump, is also old and has his own set of issues.
Media tries to make Biden's age a narrative, but comparison with Trump shows age-related concerns are not exclusive to Biden. [ more ]
Nieman Lab
4 months ago
Media industry

Research: 3 in 4 U.S. adults can discern real political news headlines from fake ones

About 75% of adults in the U.S. can discern real political news headlines from fake ones.
Demographic factors, not partisanship, were a stronger predictor of avoiding fake news. [ more ]
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