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1 month ago

Why advertisers are using AI to manage 'choice overload' and unlock first-party data

Advertisers should ensure AI-powered tools from ad tech partners align with solving current challenges in the rapidly evolving digital advertising landscape. [ more ]
1 month ago

How indie agencies will compete with holding companies during the upfront

Agility and flexibility are crucial for independent agencies to compete with holding companies in the evolving upfront marketplace. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Can Google Give A.I. Answers Without Breaking the Web?

Major online publishers face the threat of Google prioritizing generative AI in search results, potentially disrupting their business model. [ more ]
5 months ago
Online marketing

To Achieve Success in 2024, Focus on What's Not Changing

Jeff Bezos focuses on what won't change in his business strategy.
The core requirements of great creative remain the same, despite changes in the media ecosystem. [ more ]
5 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Genocide in Gaza: The coverage of Israel's war

The Israel-Gaza conflict has been a turning point in the world order and media ecosystem.
The media has been complicit in spreading Israeli propaganda and failing to question it. [ more ]
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