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1 week ago

Chinese EV Companies Are Falling Behind On Their Bills

Transition to EVs in China faces challenges with payment delays and market saturation. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Tech industry

Meta's Workplace productivity platform was always destined to fail

Meta is discontinuing its Workplace from Meta software, citing fierce competition in the productivity software space. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

The Terminator wants to sell you face cream: how AI influencers are taking over Instagram

More than half of Gen Zers aspire to be influencers attracted by the potential for self-employment and high earnings.
The influencer landscape has evolved, becoming more competitive and requiring deliberate strategies for success. [ more ]
The Drum
3 weeks ago

The $3bn question: What brands can learn from political campaigns

Political advertising impacts all media efforts, influencing brands beyond election cycles with real-time strategies and demographic targeting. [ more ]
Miami Herald
1 month ago

This Little Havana bar was a favorite hangout spot for Miami locals. Now it's closing

Craft beer bar Union Beer Store, known for its relaxed vibe and dining pop-ups, is closing after six years due to various challenges, including rent increase and market saturation.
Co-founder David Rodriguez cited changing dynamics in Miami's craft beer scene, with an increasing number of breweries impacting the market, leading them to pivot towards food offerings at Far Out Pizza. [ more ]
The Atlantic
5 months ago

The 10 Best Albums of 2023

The music industry has been dealing with concerns about market saturation due to the flood of new songs on streaming services.
The list of favorite albums from 2023 could have been filled with rock and roll, rappers, and divas who offered fresh takes on music. [ more ]
6 months ago
UX design

IDEO is downsizing . What does that mean for aspiring UX designers?

IDEO, a pioneering force in design thinking, has downsized its workforce and closed some offices, signaling changes in the design industry.
Market saturation, shifting industry demands, and economic considerations are factors contributing to IDEO's restructuring.
Despite IDEO's downsizing, the demand for UX professionals remains robust, with businesses opting for in-house designers. [ more ]
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