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Washington Post
1 week ago
US Elections

Lopez Obrador changed Mexico - but not in the ways he promised

López Obrador's presidency transformed public trust in government but did not achieve major policy changes regarding corruption or organized crime. [ more ]
1 month ago
Digital life

Mexico's Judges Vote to Strike, Opposing Overhaul of Legal System

Federal judges in Mexico are striking against proposed judicial changes by President Lopez Obrador, fearing loss of legal expertise and increased executive power. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 week ago
US Elections

Lopez Obrador changed Mexico - but not in the ways he promised

López Obrador's presidency transformed public trust in government but did not achieve major policy changes regarding corruption or organized crime. [ more ]
1 month ago
Digital life

Mexico's Judges Vote to Strike, Opposing Overhaul of Legal System

Federal judges in Mexico are striking against proposed judicial changes by President Lopez Obrador, fearing loss of legal expertise and increased executive power. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Why are Mexico's judges striking over AMLO's proposed judicial reforms?

Mexico's Morena party seeks to elect judges by popular vote, raising concerns about judicial independence and democratic integrity. [ more ]
7 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Mexicans rally to protect democracy' ahead of elections

Tens of thousands march in Mexico for democracy ahead of elections
Demonstrations condemn corruption and advocate for free elections in Mexico [ more ]
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