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3 weeks ago

Beer festival to celebrate the best of local craft set for Dartford park

Craft Beer Folk is organizing a craft beer festival in Dartford featuring local and national beers, food, and live music, aiming to bring craft beer to local communities. [ more ]
6 months ago

Viere': The drink combining the best parts of beer and wine that Paris adores

Viere is a French creation that combines beer and wine in a unique way.
Viere is made by fermenting a blend of beer wort, lactic acid bacteria, and wine must.
The creators of viere wanted to give Paris its own beer, following the trend of local beers in other regions. [ more ]
6 months ago

Viere': The drink combining the best parts of beer and wine that Paris adores

Viere is a French creation that combines beer and wine in a unique way.
Viere is made by fermenting a blend of beer wort, lactic acid bacteria, and wine must.
The creators of viere wanted to give Paris its own beer, following the trend of local beers in other regions. [ more ]
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