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4 weeks ago

I remember Paul Auster': a tribute by Jonathan Lethem to his friend

Building a friendship with renowned writer Paul Auster led to a sense of kinship, admiration, and mutual respect among peers in the literary world. [ more ]
3 months ago

Black TikTokers Say These 6 Books Are Incredibly Worthy Of Your Attention

TikTok influences reading culture and book popularity.
Black-authored books deserve attention in the literary world. [ more ]
3 months ago

Alan Brownjohn obituary

Alan Brownjohn was a prolific poet and novelist, known for his emotionally astute and wittily rendered character dissections.
Brownjohn was a diligent campaigner for poetry, serving as the chairman of the Poetry Society and contributing significantly to the literary world. [ more ]
The New Yorker
3 months ago

A Memoirist Who Told Everything and Repented Nothing

Diana Athill published nine memoirs chronicling her long life, from her English childhood to her elderly years.
Athill, a renowned editor, co-founded a publishing house and worked with authors like Philip Roth and John Updike. [ more ]
the Guardian
3 months ago

'God forbid that a dog should die': when Goodreads reviews go bad

Goodreads drama extends beyond book reviews.
Significance of Goodreads in the literary world remains uncertain. [ more ]
3 months ago

God forbid that a dog should die': when Goodreads reviews go bad

Dramatic incidents on Goodreads attract attention beyond the book-loving community.
Questioning the significance and impact of Goodreads on the broader literary world. [ more ]
3 months ago

God forbid that a dog should die': when Goodreads reviews go bad

Goodreads users faced a dramatic incident involving fake reviews by an author.
The significance of Goodreads in the literary world is perplexing. [ more ]
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
3 months ago

New effort underway to track antisemitism in the literary world, where anti-Israel sentiment is widespread - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

The Jewish Book Council launched an initiative to collect reports of antisemitism in the literary world.
The initiative aims to address incidents targeting Jewish creatives during the Israel-Hamas war. [ more ]
Oregon ArtsWatch | Oregon Arts & Culture News
5 months ago

2023 in Review: Remembering those we lost

Oregon lost several significant arts figures in 2023
The artistic community mourned the loss of visual artists, curators, writers, performers, and musicians [ more ]
Eddie Linden, poet and editor of the U.K/ magazine 'Aquarius,' dies at 88 | @guardianbooks https://t.co/3OaviODtWl
6 months ago

Eddie Linden obituary

Eddie Linden was the editor of Aquarius magazine and the author of two books of poems.
He faced abandonment, Catholic guilt, and semi-literacy throughout his life.
Aquarius endured for 18 years and published works from esteemed poets like Seamus Heaney and Derek Mahon. [ more ]
6 months ago

Eddie Linden obituary

Eddie Linden was the editor of Aquarius magazine and the author of two books of poems.
He faced abandonment, Catholic guilt, and semi-literacy throughout his life.
Aquarius endured for 18 years and published works from esteemed poets like Seamus Heaney and Derek Mahon. [ more ]
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