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The Nation
1 week ago

Claire Messud's Remarkable Experiment in Historical Fiction

In literary fiction, the assumption of autobiographical elements can hinder the interpretation of the author's traditional ambitions of interpreting and transforming reality. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US news

What are 'the kids' thinking these days? Honor Levy aims to tell in 'My First Book'

Levy's debut story collection explores the experience of growing up white, privileged, and part of Gen Z, characterized by internet-infused chaos and absurdity. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

'Long Island' renders bare the universality of longing

Sequels like 'Long Island' can match or surpass the original's impact by continuing beloved characters' stories in a compelling manner. [ more ]
1 month ago
Women in technology

Sad girl novels: the dubious branding of women's emotive fiction

Novels labeled as 'sad girl novels' typically feature protagonists who are miserable, disaffected, and ambivalent, often analyzing their own situations.
The term 'sad girl novel' is associated with highly educated characters suffering under capitalism and struggling with relationships, with authors like Karl Ove Knausgaard and Brandon Taylor exemplifying this trend. [ more ]
2 months ago

His Novel Sold a Million Copies. James McBride Isn't Sure How He Feels About That.

James McBride successfully transitions from musician to bestselling author.
Rare literary fiction success story seen in James McBride's book sales. [ more ]
2 months ago

The Stories in 'Green Frog' Are Wildly Entertaining and Wonderfully Diverse | KQED

Green Frog is a diverse collection of short stories blending literary fiction, fable, Korean folklore, and science fiction.
The stories in Green Frog showcase themes of loss, love, identity, and the blend of reality and fantasy. [ more ]
The Cut
2 months ago

Why Does Every Famous Woman Have a Book Club Now?

Dakota Johnson launches "TeaTime" book club with Beautyland by Marie-Helene Bertino as its first pick.
The book club focuses on literary fiction, highlighting female authors and first-time novelists, aiming to bring gravitas to Instagram. [ more ]
2 months ago

Kathryn Scanlan wins Gordon Burn prize for novel Kick the Latch

Kathryn Scanlan wins Gordon Burn prize for novel about horse training
Kick the Latch pushes boundaries of form and genre [ more ]
3 months ago

Kelly Link's debut novel 'The Book of Love' is magical, confusing, heartfelt, strange

Kelly Link's debut novel, The Book of Love, is a 600-page behemoth that blurs the line between speculative and literary fiction.
The story follows Laura, Daniel, and Mo, who return from the dead and must navigate their new reality while unraveling the mystery surrounding their resurrection. [ more ]
the Guardian
6 months ago

The big idea: should we abolish literary genres?

Hilary Mantel recalls the beginnings of her career as a novelist in her Reith lecture of 2017.
Mantel struggled to get her historical fiction novel, A Place of Greater Safety, published due to the lack of interest in the French Revolution as a topic.
Mantel criticizes the idea of genre and labels in literature, calling them confining and meaningless. [ more ]
#Hilary Mantel
the Guardian
6 months ago

The big idea: should we abolish literary genres?

Hilary Mantel recalls the beginnings of her career as a novelist in her Reith lecture of 2017.
Mantel struggled to get her historical fiction novel, A Place of Greater Safety, published due to the lack of interest in the French Revolution as a topic.
Mantel criticizes the idea of genre and labels in literature, calling them confining and meaningless. [ more ]
the Guardian
6 months ago

The big idea: should we abolish literary genres?

Hilary Mantel recalls the beginnings of her career as a novelist in her Reith lecture of 2017.
Mantel struggled to get her historical fiction novel, A Place of Greater Safety, published due to the lack of interest in the French Revolution as a topic.
Mantel criticizes the idea of genre and labels in literature, calling them confining and meaningless. [ more ]
moreHilary Mantel
6 months ago

The Future by Naomi Alderman review survival of the fittest

Naomi Alderman's novel, The Future, combines literary and historical knowledge with a fast-paced narrative.
The novel explores humanity's destructive tendencies and questions whether we can imagine and create a better future. [ more ]
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