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IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law
1 month ago

Apple Watch Patent Wars Create a Defensive Roadmap for ITC Respondents

Apple's tactics can serve as a strategic guide for litigants dealing with exclusion orders in the United States. [ more ]
High Country News
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Meet the tree-sitters who occupied a ponderosa pine - High Country News

Direct action by activists successfully halted road construction endangering an old-growth tree in Oregon. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Protecting intellectual property in AI development: Legal strategies and best practices

AI technology is increasingly used in various sectors, necessitating a thorough understanding of intellectual property protection.
Legal strategies and best practices are crucial for safeguarding intellectual property in artificial intelligence development. [ more ]
2 months ago

How celebrity lawyers would approach Trump's jury selection

Jury selection strategies for high-profile cases like the trial of a former U.S. president may involve examining prospective jurors' social media and avoiding those with strong, unchangeable views.
It may be challenging to find jurors without preconceived notions about the accused, especially in a high-profile case involving a well-known public figure. [ more ]
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