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Above the Law
2 months ago

Tabs3 Software Meets All Your Time, Billing, Financial, And Practice Management Needs On-Premises Or In The Cloud

Tabs3 software offers integrated legal practice management tools like Tabs3 Billing, Tabs3Pay, Tabs3 Financials, PracticeMaster, and Tabs3 CRM.
Tabs3 Billing provides comprehensive financial insights through dashboards, Matter Manager with detailed client data, and easy payment processing with Tabs3Pay. [ more ]
Above the Law
5 months ago

The State Of Small Law Firms In An Era Of Change

Small-firm lawyers must manage both their legal practice and business side.
Changes are underway to help firms effectively manage both roles. [ more ]
Above the Law
2 weeks ago

Curious About Automation? Learn To Build Your First Workflow Here

Modern law firms need to leverage technology and workflows to meet client demands for increased speed. [ more ]
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