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Chicago Tribune
5 months ago

Letters: Towns hope ordinances will deter drop-offs of migrants

Chicago-area towns are enacting ordinances to fine interstate bus companies that transport migrants without prior notification and approval. The fines can go up to $750 per passenger and $10,000 per bus.
The towns hope that the threat of fines and potential impounding of buses will deter these drop-offs. However, these ordinances may face legal challenges as they could be seen as violating the Commerce Clause of the US Constitution. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
5 months ago

New Mexico justices hear challenge to public health ban on guns in public parks and playgrounds

Advocates for gun rights are challenging New Mexico's emergency orders that restrict carrying guns at public parks and playgrounds.
The legal challenge argues that the governor overstepped her authority and violated the Second Amendment by limiting access to firearms. [ more ]
Bavarian Football Works
5 months ago
Soccer (FIFA)

FIFA suspends new agent regulations as court fights move forward

FIFA has suspended most of its new FIFA Football Agent Regulations (FFAR) due to legal challenges.
The regulations imposed new obligations and restrictions on football agents, including caps on commissions, but these have been found to be unlawful restraints of trade. [ more ]
5 months ago

3 novel legal arguments by Republicans that threaten the Voting Rights Act in 2024

Legal challenges to the Voting Rights Act are expected to continue in 2023.
Conservative legal groups are raising novel arguments that threaten to erode protections against racial discrimination in the election process. [ more ]
5 months ago

NYC Fast-Food Worker Protections Upheld by Second Circuit (1)

A federal appellate court in Manhattan upheld a New York City law protecting fast-food workers from arbitrary firings and reduced hours.
The ruling is a blow to industry groups challenging the law, potentially bolstering efforts to create more exceptions to at-will employment doctrine. [ more ]
The New Yorker
5 months ago
US politics

Could a Trump Win Put His Running Mate in Office?

Efforts to legally bar Donald Trump from appearing on the 2024 Presidential election ballot are gaining traction.
Conservative legal scholars argue that Trump's involvement in the attempted overthrow of the 2020 presidential election disqualifies him under the Constitution's disqualification clause. [ more ]
5 months ago
Business intelligence

Artificial intelligence faces more legal challenges

Generative AI developers are facing legal challenges related to privacy, cybersecurity, and defamation. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
5 months ago

Judges let new California ban on guns in many public places take effect amid legal fight

A new California law has taken effect, barring licensed gun holders from carrying firearms into public places.
The law is facing legal challenges and its ultimate fate remains uncertain, but licensed gun holders must abide by it for now. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
5 months ago

Judges let new California ban on guns in many public places take effect amid legal fight

A new California law has taken effect, barring licensed gun holders from carrying firearms into public places.
The law is facing legal challenges and its ultimate fate remains uncertain, but licensed gun holders must abide by it for now. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
5 months ago
Los Angeles

Judges let new California ban on guns in many public places take effect amid legal fight

A new California law has taken effect, barring licensed gun holders from carrying firearms into public places.
The law is facing legal challenges and its ultimate fate remains uncertain, but licensed gun holders must abide by it for now. [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
5 months ago

CA law banning most firearms in public is taking effect as the legal fight over it continues

A law banning the carrying of firearms in most public places will take effect in California on January 1.
A federal appeals court has put a temporary hold on a district judge's ruling that blocked the law from taking effect. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago
US politics

Trump plans legal challenges to Colorado, Maine primary ballot removals

Former President Donald Trump plans to challenge decisions in Colorado and Maine to remove him from primary ballots
Trump is concerned that conservative judges on the Supreme Court may rule against him [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Generative AI's breakout year: Digiday's definitive 2023 timeline

Generative AI advancements and adoption surged in 2023, with Microsoft's investment in OpenAI and the launch of GPT-4.
The growth of AI was accompanied by rising ethical, legal, and regulatory challenges, including copyright infringement lawsuits and government involvement. [ more ]
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