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3 months ago

Harriette Cole: I didn't deserve to be laid off. What can I do about it?

Feeling undervalued despite high performance
Seeking closure and improvement after being laid off [ more ]
3 months ago
Business intelligence

Starting a business after a layoff? A survey of entrepreneurs looks at the pros and cons

48% of those laid off credit their layoff with motivating them to become an entrepreneur.
60% of those who start a business after being laid off report improved work-life balance. [ more ]
5 months ago

U.S. Employers Add Robust 216,000 Jobs In Sign Of Resilient Job Market

The U.S. job market remains resilient with employers adding 216,000 jobs in December and the unemployment rate remaining at 3.7%.
The economy and job market are decelerating to pre-pandemic levels, but hiring remains steady and layoffs are minimal. [ more ]
Washington Post
5 months ago
US news

Ore. paper cuts staff, stops printing after employee stole $90K, editor says

Embezzlement of $90,000 causes alternative newspaper, Eugene Weekly, to lay off staff and halt print issues.
The employee responsible for the embezzlement has not been publicly identified and no arrests have been made. [ more ]
5 months ago
Media industry

Editor's pick: 10 must-read Poynter articles from 2023 - Poynter

2023 was a tough year for the news industry with layoffs being a major concern.
Poynter covered a wide range of topics throughout the year, including the impact of AI language models and a unique request received by Roy Peter Clark. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
5 months ago

Pizza Huts in California, including Sacramento, laying off drivers rather than pay $20 minimum wage

Pizza Hut franchisees in California are laying off more than 1,200 delivery drivers ahead of a new law that would require paying them $20 an hour.
Customers will have to pick up their pizzas or rely on third-party, app-based delivery drivers. [ more ]
5 months ago
Media industry

2023 was the worst year for the news business since the pandemic - Poynter

Though layoffs in journalism are nothing new, the end of 2022 suggested that the media industry was headed for tough times.
2 weeks ago
Graphic design

5 Helpful Ways To Rebrand Yourself After Getting Laid Off

Focusing on rebranding is crucial post-layoff for career advancement. [ more ]
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