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1 week ago

Lambeth: Estate tenants forced to move out homes amid council regeneration plans

Over 100 south London tenants affected by Lambeth Council's estate regeneration plans, causing distress due to abrupt eviction notices. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

The London Eye is now a permanent London attraction

London Eye granted permanent planning permission by Lambeth Council, with 1% of turnover for area maintenance. [ more ]
1 month ago

London Eye set to be made a fixture of capital's skyline for decades to come

Lambeth Council plans to make the London Eye a permanent feature of the city beyond 2028, recognizing its positive impact on the economy. [ more ]
2 months ago

Streatham Wells: Sadiq Khan 'applauds' suspension of LTN but says it is not precedent for other removals

Sadiq Khan applauded Lambeth Council for suspending Streatham Wells LTN due to unintended consequences.
The mayor emphasized that not every LTN scheme will be perfect, and challenges may arise, but overall LTNs have been successful in other areas. [ more ]
3 months ago

Sadiq Khan says changes coming 'ASAP' to LTN where bus took two hours to travel three miles

Changes are coming ASAP to a low traffic neighborhood causing bus congestion in London.
Mayor Sadiq Khan is in touch with Lambeth Council to resolve the issue of traffic congestion due to a low traffic neighborhood. [ more ]
3 months ago

Bus takes two hours to travel three miles through congestion fuelled by new low-traffic neighbourhood

Traffic congestion near LTN in South London causing significant delays for buses and residents.
Lambeth Council generated 320,000 in fines in the first three months of the LTN's operation. [ more ]
3 months ago

Anger as Lambeth Labour councillors have whip suspended after voting for Gaza ceasefire

Four south London councillors had Labour whip suspended for defying party on Gaza ceasefire vote.
Labour councillor resigned over the incident, prompting discussions on democratic processes and collective decision making. [ more ]
3 months ago

Mould-ridden flat is going to kill me and my baby, says Clapham mother

Lambeth Council apologized for failings causing distress to Stacey Coveley and her family.
Stacey Coveley, with a lung condition, fears mould in her flat might harm her and her baby. [ more ]
4 months ago

Family of seven in one-bed flat 'not overcrowded', south London council says

A family of seven living in a mouldy one bedroom flat were told they were not overcrowded by a South London council.
The father claims that his 11-month-old daughter has been admitted to the hospital six times due to breathing difficulties caused by the conditions in the flat. [ more ]
3 months ago

Electric Brixton: Famous gig venue given protected status to safeguard future

The Electric Brixton has been granted protected status as an Asset of Community Value by Lambeth Council to safeguard its future.
The venue has a rich history of over 100 years, transitioning from a cinema to a nightclub to a gig venue hosting various iconic acts. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Council tenants forced into debt' and facing eviction over tripling energy bills

Residents in south London face eviction over massive heating bill increases.
They are unable to switch suppliers as their homes are heated by shared heat networks. [ more ]
6 months ago

Hundreds of people evacuated from homes as gas leak causes chaos

Hundreds of people have been evacuated following a gas leak at a doctor's surgery in south London.
Lambeth Council has set up a respite centre at a local church for the temporarily displaced people.
Road closures and disruption to motor traffic are expected to continue throughout the day. [ more ]
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