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3 months ago
Europe news

Russian activist Oleg Orlov sentenced to 30 months in prison

Human rights advocate Oleg Orlov sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for discrediting armed forces.
Memorial, a Nobel Prize-winning human rights group, condemned the trial as an attack on free expression and vowed to appeal. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Kremlin critics: What happens to Putin's most vocal opponents?

Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny is just one of many Kremlin critics to have fallen foul of the government under President Vladimir Putin's rule.
Navalny, 47, who Russian prison authorities said had died on Friday, was jailed in early 2021 after returning from Germany, where he was recovering from a near-fatal poisoning attack.
Some of Putin's high-profile critics have been in exile for years. [ more ]
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