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3 months ago

Kathryn Scanlan: Gordon Burn prize winner on pushing the boundaries of fiction

The word 'taut' is overused in book marketing, ironically fitting for Kathryn Scanlan's work.
Scanlan's books blur the line between novel and nonfiction, creatively constructed from real-life sources. [ more ]
3 months ago

Kathryn Scanlan: Gordon Burn prize winner on pushing the boundaries of fiction

Taut is an overused word in book marketing, but Kathryn Scanlan's work truly embodies its meaning.
Scanlan blurs the line between novel and nonfiction by editing and rearranging real-life conversations to create unique literary pieces. [ more ]
3 months ago

Kathryn Scanlan: Gordon Burn prize winner on pushing the boundaries of fiction

The word 'taut' is overused in book marketing, ironically fitting for Kathryn Scanlan's work.
Scanlan's books blur the line between novel and nonfiction, creatively constructed from real-life sources. [ more ]
3 months ago

Kathryn Scanlan: Gordon Burn prize winner on pushing the boundaries of fiction

Taut is an overused word in book marketing, but Kathryn Scanlan's work truly embodies its meaning.
Scanlan blurs the line between novel and nonfiction by editing and rearranging real-life conversations to create unique literary pieces. [ more ]
3 months ago

Kathryn Scanlan wins Gordon Burn prize for novel Kick the Latch

Kathryn Scanlan wins Gordon Burn prize for novel about horse training
Kick the Latch pushes boundaries of form and genre [ more ]
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