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1 month ago

2 Liberal Groups to Spend $5 Million on State Supreme Court Races

Two groups, National Democratic Redistricting Committee and Planned Parenthood Votes, join forces to support candidates in state supreme court races, aiming to protect independence and ensure neutral interpretation of law. [ more ]
Above the Law
1 month ago

Federal Appellate Judge Respectfully Calls Out Stupidity Of Clerkship Hiring Boycotts

Judge Wilkinson believes in judging students by their individual accomplishments, not boycotting based on their institution. [ more ]
1 month ago
UK news

Elphicke lobbied justice secretary to interfere in husband's sex offence trial'

Natalie Elphicke, a former Tory MP who defected to Labour, lobbied the justice secretary to interfere in her then-husband's criminal case, facing criticism for potentially seeking leniency or influence in the trial. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

EU to drop rule-of-law dispute with Poland

The European Commission will withdraw the Article 7 procedure against Poland after the country's efforts to restore judicial independence. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

EU unblocks frozen funding for Poland DW 02/29/2024

EU released 137 billion to Poland
Poland rolling back media and legal reforms for funding [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

EU to drop rule-of-law dispute with Poland

The European Commission will withdraw the Article 7 procedure against Poland after the country's efforts to restore judicial independence. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

EU unblocks frozen funding for Poland DW 02/29/2024

EU released 137 billion to Poland
Poland rolling back media and legal reforms for funding [ more ]
1 month ago

Victims of harassment by federal judges often find the judiciary is above the law

Federal judiciary employees face challenges in reporting abuse by judges and lack protections under civil rights laws. [ more ]
Above the Law
2 months ago

Under Pressure To Retire, Sonia Sotomayor Ought To Tell Detractors To 'Go Pound Sand'

The effort to push Sotomayor to retire represents a shift in the traditional understanding of Supreme Court appointments.
Sotomayor is being pressured to retire to allow Joe Biden to appoint her successor while he is president. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Is the credibility of the European institutions at stake?

European institutions facing credibility issues due to corruption scandals and doubts about upholding democratic values.
Efforts to address reputation issues through an ethics body and rule changes are deemed insufficient by experts. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

What is the Post Office Horizon bill and why is it controversial?

The Post Office (Horizon system) offences bill will quash convictions linked to faulty IT system.
Unprecedented move to overturn convictions without individual appeals. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
New York City

Trump's $355M fine won't hurt NY businesses that follow the law, Gov. Hochul says

New York businesses unaffected by Trump's fraud fine due to law-abiding nature
Governor Hochul respects judicial decisions to maintain separation of powers [ more ]
ABA Journal
6 months ago

Justice O'Connor's judicial-reform push followed regret over 2002 decision

Justice O'Connor focused on protecting judicial independence after retiring from the Supreme Court.
She created a plan to reform judicial selection, recommending a politically balanced commission and periodic evaluations for judges. [ more ]
Above the Law
1 week ago

Texas Court Doesn't Give A Flying Fig What You Think Of It

Forum shopping is becoming a concern in real-life legal practice due to the influence of ideologically driven judges. [ more ]
ABA Journal
6 months ago

Justice O'Connor's judicial-reform push followed regret over 2002 decision

Justice O'Connor focused on protecting judicial independence after retiring from the Supreme Court.
She created a plan to reform judicial selection, recommending a politically balanced commission and periodic evaluations for judges. [ more ]
Above the Law
1 week ago

Texas Court Doesn't Give A Flying Fig What You Think Of It

Forum shopping is becoming a concern in real-life legal practice due to the influence of ideologically driven judges. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Canadian judge is latest to resign from Hong Kong's top court

Hong Kong's top court facing resignations over judicial independence concerns. [ more ]
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