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1 week ago
US news

An Iowa Town Is Devastated by a Tornado

Powerful storms hit Iowa causing deaths, destruction, and an emergency disaster proclamation by Gov. Kim Reynolds. [ more ]
1 month ago

Slipknot tap Rammstein's Till Lindemann, Knocked Loose, Hatebreed & more for Knotfest Iowa '24

Slipknot announced lineup for Knotfest Iowa on September 21 at Waterworks Park in Des Moines.
Tickets on presale 4/30, general on-sale 5/3. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. convenes hundreds in Iowa to try for access to November ballot

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is attempting to secure a ballot line in all 50 states as an independent presidential candidate. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
3 months ago

GOP lawmakers push "separate but equal" for transgender people

Iowa's Republican-dominated House Education Committee approved an anti-trans bill that includes language reminiscent of the racist 'separate but equal' doctrine.
The bill would require listing both the assigned sex at birth and gender identity on updated birth certificates, as well as banning trans people from sex-segregated spaces. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
4 months ago

GOP lawmaker files bill to remove transgender discrimination protections from state law

Republican lawmakers in Iowa are seeking to remove transgender people from the state's civil rights law.
The proposed bill would remove gender identity as a protected class and add gender dysphoria to the definition of disability. [ more ]
3 months ago

Republicans are redefining the word equal' in an Iowa anti-trans bill | Erin Reed

The Iowa house education committee is debating a bill that would end legal recognition for transgender people and redefine the concept of equality
The bill's sponsor cannot define the word 'equal,' raising concerns about the impact of the proposed legislation [ more ]
4 months ago

Iowa Republicans Forward Bill to Force Students to Stand for National Anthem

A bill in Iowa aims to force students to stand and 'respect' the national anthem, sparking concerns about violating free speech rights.
Opposition to the national anthem and acts of protest against it have become more prominent in recent years. [ more ]
5 months ago

Judge Blocks Iowa's Ban on School Library Books That Depict Sex Acts

A federal judge in Iowa has temporarily blocked a law banning books describing sex acts from public school libraries
The judge argued that the law imposed a puritanical orthodoxy and did not target books in a reasonable way [ more ]
4 months ago
New York City

Iowa Teen Who Killed 2 Fellow Students Gets 65 Years in Prison

Iowa teenager Preston Walls has been sentenced to 65 years in prison for shooting and killing two fellow students and injuring the program's founder.
Walls claimed that he shot the victims out of fear for his life, but the victims' families stated that their sons would not have hurt him. [ more ]
4 months ago

High School Principal Injured in Iowa School Shooting Has Died

Principal shot in school shooting in Iowa dies from injuries
Gunman in the shooting killed one student and shot five others before dying from a self-inflicted gunshot [ more ]
Washington Post
4 months ago

Iowa high school principal who tried to distract shooter dies, governor says

Dan Marburger, principal of Perry High School, died after being shot while trying to protect his students from a gunman.
Marburger's daughter said he tried to distract the shooter to allow students to escape. [ more ]
4 months ago

The Iowa principal who protected students during a high school shooting has died

Principal Dan Marburger died after putting himself in harm's way to protect students during a school shooting in Iowa.
The shooting occurred on January 4, resulting in the death of an 11-year-old student and injuries to six others. [ more ]
4 months ago

Iowa Principal Who Risked His Life to Protect Students In School Shooting Has Died

Iowa principal who protected student during school shooting dies
Principal acted selflessly and put himself in harm's way to protect students [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

After his win in Iowa, Trump returns to New York for a defamation trial.

Donald J. Trump is positioning himself as the inevitable nominee for the Republican presidential nomination.
Ron DeSantis's campaign received a boost after a second-place finish in Iowa, while Nikki Haley took third place.
The campaign has shifted from Iowa to New Hampshire, with high-profile events planned by Trump, DeSantis, and Haley leading up to the first-in-the-nation primary. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
US politics

Iowa caucus dispatch: 'Nothing would stop me coming here to vote for Trump'

Iowans braved the cold weather to attend caucuses.
Stopping migration across the southern border was a top concern for caucus-goers. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

What to Watch at the Haley-DeSantis Debate and the Trump Town Hall

Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis are the only two Republicans participating in the CNN debate while Trump does a town hall on Fox News.
Haley is competing against DeSantis in Iowa and against Trump in New Hampshire. [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

The Big Questions Looming Over the Iowa Caucuses: Here's What to Expect

The outcome of the Republican presidential caucuses in Iowa could shape the future of the Republican Party and the Iowa caucuses themselves.
Expectations and the potential for complacency among Trump supporters may be his biggest opponents in the caucuses. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

CNN town hall with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in Iowa

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis attacked Donald Trump during a CNN town hall in Iowa, focusing on closing his polling gap in the state.
DeSantis criticized Trump on various issues including inflation, the border wall, abortion, and healthcare. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Kids, get in the car. We're taking a road trip to the caucuses.

Caucus tourism is a tradition for the Botuck family, who travel to different campaign events to engage in the political process.
The Botucks view these trips as a way to teach their children about the importance of voting and the impact of politics. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

How the Iowa Caucuses Work, Step by Step

Caucuses can be confusing for those unfamiliar with the process.
Caucuses have their critics who argue they make voting inaccessible and result in lower turnout than primaries. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Pritzker Is Among Democrats Making Case for Biden in Iowa

President Biden sent three top surrogates to Iowa to promote his agenda and criticize potential GOP opponents.
The surrogates focused on highlighting the risks of re-electing former President Trump and stressed the importance of the Biden campaign. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Asa Hutchinson, Tilting at a Trump-Branded Windmill, Hangs On

Asa Hutchinson is running for president in 2024
Hutchinson believes his voice makes a difference and offers an alternative view to Donald Trump [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Iowa Pastors Say Video Depicting Trump as Godly Is Very Concerning'

A viral video praising Donald Trump as a vessel of a higher power has offended faith leaders in Iowa.
The video depicts Trump in religious, messianic terms, comparing him directly to God.
The content of the video has drawn a negative response, with pastors expressing concern and offense with its portrayal of Trump as divine. [ more ]
4 months ago
New York City

DeSantis Lobs Most Forceful Attacks Yet Against Trump, Days Before Iowa Caucuses

Gov. Ron DeSantis accuses Donald Trump of not being pro-life during a CNN town hall in Iowa, contrasting his own conduct with that of Trump.
Former Gov. Nikki Haley faces challenges during her CNN town hall, defending herself over recent gaffes and receiving boos for a joke about the Iowa caucuses. [ more ]
The Washington Times
5 months ago
New York City

Nikki Haley gets bump in New Hampshire but still trails front-runner Donald Trump

Nikki Haley has cut Donald Trump's lead to 15 percentage points in New Hampshire.
In a hypothetical matchup, Trump received 44% of the vote among Republicans, followed by Haley at 29%. [ more ]
The Washington Times
5 months ago
US politics

Trump rails against opponents while urging Iowans to 'put big numbers up' in caucuses

Donald Trump urges his supporters in Iowa to turn out in 'big numbers' for the presidential nomination votes.
Trump warns against complacency despite his frontrunner status and insults his GOP rivals and President Joe Biden. [ more ]
5 months ago
US Elections

Trump and His Allies Descend on Iowa

Former President Donald Trump is launching a campaign blitz in early primary states, starting with Iowa.
Trump's prominent allies will campaign on his behalf in Iowa, including Rep. Matt Gaetz and former secretary Ben Carson. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Blizzard Warning in Iowa Slows Campaigns as Race Barrels to a Close

Nikki Haley cancels Iowa town-hall events due to winter weather
Gov. Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy continue with campaign events despite weather warnings [ more ]
The New Yorker
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Nikki Haley Seeks an Iowa Surge as the Last G.O.P. Moderate in the Race

Nikki Haley is seen as a more moderate candidate in the race.
Iowans appreciate Haley's willingness to compromise and her compassion. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

How to Watch Trump's Town Hall on Fox News

Former President Donald J. Trump will participate in a live town-hall event on Fox News at the same time as the fifth Republican presidential primary debate.
Mr. Trump has previously snubbed presidential debates and scheduled his own counterprogramming events, but this has not affected his popularity in Iowa.
This will be Mr. Trump's first live appearance on Fox News in nearly two years, following similar town halls with Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis. [ more ]
4 months ago
New York City

It's 2024, and the Candidates Are Campaigning at a Furious Pace

The 2024 presidential race is heating up in Iowa, with Republican candidates competing for the party's nomination.
Former President Donald J. Trump is leading in polls and seeking an overwhelming victory to solidify his position as the frontrunner. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Why Iowa Turned So Red When Nearby States Went Blue

Iowa has largely been ceded to the GOP as Democrats focus on other states
The Upper Midwest has seen a shift towards populism and conservatism in recent years [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Things to know about a school shooting in the small Iowa town of Perry

A 17-year-old student opened fire at Perry High School in Iowa, killing a sixth-grade student and injuring seven others before dying of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
The shooting began in the cafeteria and spilled outside, with the student who was killed being shot three times. The high-schooler identified as the shooter had a rudimentary improvised explosive device that was safely disarmed. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago

Sixth-grade student killed in Iowa school shooting ID'd as 'Smiley' Ahmir Jolliff, 11: 'He loved everyone'

11-year-old Ahmir Jolliff was identified as one of the victims in the Iowa school shooting.
Principal Dan Marburger, who attempted to protect his students, remains in critical condition. [ more ]
4 months ago

Iowa principal critically injured in school shooting risked himself to protect students, police say

Iowa principal injured in school shooting put himself in harm's way to protect students
One student was killed and six others injured in the shooting [ more ]
4 months ago

Iowa Principal Put Himself 'In Harm's Way' For Students During School Shooting, Police Say

Perry High School Principal Dan Marburger put himself in harm's way to protect his students during the school shooting.
A total of 7 people, including students and staff, were injured in the shooting. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 months ago

Iowa school principal was shot trying to distract gunman, daughter says

The principal of Perry High School in Iowa tried to calm down the gunman and distract him so others could escape during the shooting.
The principal suffered multiple gunshot wounds and remains in critical condition, while the gunman died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. [ more ]
4 months ago

Iowa high school principal tried to 'distract' shooter so students could flee, daughter says

The principal of Perry High School attempted to calm the shooter and protect students during the incident.
The principal's daughter described him as a caring and selfless individual who would put himself in harm's way for the benefit of others. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Iowa Teen Posted a TikTok Before High School Shooting: Authorities

The gunman in the Iowa high school shooting posted on TikTok shortly before the attack, indicating premeditation.
The shooting has raised questions about how the 17-year-old shooter obtained a firearm, as Iowa requires citizens to be at least 21 to purchase a gun. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

What do we know about the school shooting in Iowa?

Republicans offer prayers but no proposals to change gun laws
One victim identified as Principal Dan Marburger [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

DeSantis PAC Makes Donations to Iowa Lawmakers Who Endorsed Him

Gov. Ron DeSantis' political action committee donated tens of thousands of dollars to Iowa legislators who endorsed his presidential candidacy.
The group, Great American Comeback, gave a total of $92,500 to 14 legislators, including $15,000 each to the Iowa State Senate president and Iowa House majority leader. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Multiple people wounded in Iowa school shooting, US authorities say

Gunman identified in shooting at Perry High School in Iowa
Multiple victims and injuries reported [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
4 months ago
SF parents

Shooting reported at Iowa high school

Shooting at Iowa high school
Details still unclear [ more ]
4 months ago
New York City

DeSantis and Haley Will Appear in Back-to-Back Town Halls Tonight

It's another busy day on the presidential campaign trail in Iowa.
5 months ago

Iowa's LGBTQ+ Books Ban and 'Don't Say Gay' Law Partially Blocked by Federal Judge

A federal judge temporarily blocked two parts of an Iowa state law that would ban books and curriculum discussing gender identity or sexual orientation.
The judge called the ban 'incredibly broad' and noted that it violated the First Amendment. The law has already resulted in the removal of hundreds of books from Iowa libraries. [ more ]
The New Yorker
5 months ago

How Would This Supreme Court Rule on Book Banning?

Penguin Random House and others filed a lawsuit against Iowa's school administrators to stop the enforcement of a law that requires only 'age-appropriate' books in public-school libraries and classrooms.
The law also prohibits instruction on 'gender identity' and 'sexual orientation,' which the plaintiffs argue includes books, leading to confusion and alarm among teachers and librarians. [ more ]
6 months ago

LGBTQ+ rights group sues over Iowa law banning school library books, gender identity discussion

Families in Iowa are suing to stop a new law that bans LGBTQ+ content in school libraries and prohibits discussions of gender identity in the classroom.
The law seeks to silence LGBTQ+ students and erase LGBTQ+ representation in public schools.
The lawsuit argues that the law violates free speech and equal protection rights. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
6 months ago

Iowa's extreme Don't Say Gay bill challenged in new lawsuit

The ACLU of Iowa and Lambda Legal have filed a lawsuit to block an Iowa law that bans instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation in K-12 classrooms.
The law also requires school officials to notify parents if their kids request to use pronouns or names that do not correspond to their assigned sex at birth.
The lawsuit argues that the law violates the First Amendment, Equal Protection Clause, and Equal Access Act rights of Iowa students. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Young Iowa Republicans Raise Their Voices. Will Their Party Listen?

Vivek Ramaswamy is the only Republican primary candidate prioritizing an appeal to young voters.
Younger voters in Iowa are open to other candidates who they believe can more easily beat Biden than Trump. [ more ]
5 months ago
Left-wing politics

Iowa's Republican Governor Opts Out of Summer Food Program for Kids

Gov. Kim Reynolds' statement on rejecting the federal funding focused more on childhood obesity than food insecurity.
5 months ago
US politics

CNN town hall with Vivek Ramaswamy in Iowa

Iowa will hold its Republican caucuses on January 15, 2024, kicking off the presidential nominating process.
Iowa's caucuses have historically been seen as a test of campaigns' organizational strength and provide momentum for winners in the national polls. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago
US politics

CNN sets two Republican debates for January, dares RNC to drop restrictions

CNN will stage two GOP primary debates in January, potentially forcing the RNC to change its rule against candidates participating in non-RNC sanctioned forums.
The debates would take place in Iowa and New Hampshire, just days before the first-in-the-nation caucuses and primary. [ more ]
The Washington Times
in 1577 years
US Elections

Ron DeSantis struggles to re-create midterm magic ahead of Iowa caucuses

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is trailing behind former President Donald Trump in Iowa.
DeSantis is optimistic that his grassroots campaigning and support from influential figures will help him win in Iowa. [ more ]
The Washington Times
in 1577 years
US Elections

Trump presses counterprogramming edge, cast shadow over DeSantis 99-county milestone

Former President Donald Trump has been counterprogramming his rivals in the 2024 GOP presidential race.
Trump criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for disloyalty and claimed his campaign is on life support. [ more ]
Behind the Steel Curtain
6 months ago
Pittsburgh Steelers

Week 14: College Football Open Thread

Week 14 College Football Open Thread.
Key matchups include Georgia vs Alabama and Michigan vs Iowa.
Other notable games include Oklahoma State vs Texas and Louisville vs Florida. [ more ]
The Washington Times
6 months ago
US Elections

Trump knocks DeSantis for being an 'absentee governor'

Former President Donald Trump criticizes Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for spending time campaigning in Iowa instead of focusing on his role as governor of Florida.
DeSantis has made himself a fixture in Iowa ahead of the state's kickoff nominating contest next month.
Trump also criticizes Chris Christie, another Republican presidential candidate. [ more ]
6 months ago
US politics

Trump Touts Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Endorsement Hours After Trashing Another Republican Gov. Over Endorsing DeSantis

Former President Donald Trump bragged about receiving an endorsement from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, praising his hawkish immigration policies.
Trump trashed Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds for endorsing Ron DeSantis, calling her a birdbrain and failure.
Abbott's endorsement and Reynolds' support of DeSantis could pose a threat to Trump winning Iowa's GOP caucus. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

DeSantis Finishes His Iowa 99, Hoping for a Bump Against Trump

Ron DeSantis is touring Iowa to boost his struggling presidential campaign.
Despite checking all the boxes, DeSantis still trails Trump in state polls. [ more ]
6 months ago

WSJ News Exclusive | Penguin Random House, Authors Sue Iowa Officials Over School Book Ban

Penguin Random House has filed a federal lawsuit to prevent book banning in Iowa schools.
The lawsuit is in response to a state law that bans books depicting sex acts and addressing gender identity or sexual orientation in school libraries and classrooms. [ more ]
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