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1 month ago
Privacy technologies

Does a VPN Slow Down Your Internet Speed?

VPNs may slow down internet speed by 10-20%, primarily due to rerouting traffic, server distance, and encryption processes. [ more ]
The Verge
6 months ago
Digital life

The quiet plan to make the internet feel faster

Latency is a major factor in slow internet speeds and can make websites load slowly and cause buffering in videos and choppy video calls.
L4S is a new internet standard that aims to reduce latency and improve internet speed, with companies like Apple, Google, and Comcast showing interest. [ more ]
Mail Online
6 months ago
Digital life

Tech expert reveals how you make your phone the VIP on any Wi-Fi

Quality of Service (QoS) is a router technology that controls the bandwidth given to internet-enabled devices on a network.
QoS can prioritize certain devices or activities on your network, such as streaming on a smart TV, to reduce buffering and slow speeds.
QoS is an extra layer of optimization that can improve the performance of your home Wi-Fi network. [ more ]
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