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3 months ago

Watch: Karen Read back in court, with several motions on the table

Karen Read is due back in court for a hearing on Rule 17 motions seeking access to third-party records.
Lead investigator Michael Proctor in Karen Read's case under internal affairs investigation. [ more ]
Miami Herald
3 months ago

Officer isn't facing suspension for shooting fellow cop. Suspect didn't have gun: sources

Officer not suspended for friendly-fire incident
Internal Affairs investigating the incident [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
6 months ago
Los Angeles

Chief Moore cites 'serious concerns' about LAPD officer who killed pedestrian while driving police cruiser

The Los Angeles Police Chief has expressed 'serious concerns' about an officer's driving before a fatal pedestrian collision.
The officer was not responding to an emergency but was running an errand for a sports team affiliated with the department. [ more ]
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