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The New Yorker
2 weeks ago

Notice of Security Incident

Victims of data breaches receive numerous related mail before official notice.
Data breach notices aim to reassure victims but often lack important details. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Get on Cybersecurity Certification Track With These Courses

The Complete 2024 Cyber Security Expert Certification Training Bundle offers courses on various cybersecurity certifications to help individuals develop crucial skills and prepare for exams. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Fairway is the latest mortgage company to report cyber incident

Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. suffered a cyber attack due to vulnerabilities in a vendor system.
The company engaged a third-party security firm to assist in identifying impacted customers and promptly implemented a patch to rectify the vulnerability. [ more ]
3 months ago
Information security

Checklist: Network and Systems Security | TechRepublic

Identifying security risks and mitigating vulnerabilities reduces stress and volatility for cybersecurity professionals.
A network and systems security checklist can help information security professionals in managing cyberthreats. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Freddie Mac: Seller/servicers must keep up with cybersecurity threats

Freddie Mac is urging seller/servicers to prioritize cybersecurity and maintain robust information security programs to prevent and mitigate the impact of cyber incidents.
Record numbers of cybersecurity incidents against seller/servicers occurred in 2023, including social engineering attacks and the installation of malware and ransomware. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Agencies' FISMA implementation is still 'mostly ineffective,' watchdog says

Only 8 out of 23 surveyed civilian agencies were found to have effective information security programs in place.
Various causes for the ineffective programs were identified, including management accountability issues and gaps in standards and quality control. [ more ]
The New Yorker
2 weeks ago

Notice of Security Incident

Victims of data breaches receive numerous related mail before official notice.
Data breach notices aim to reassure victims but often lack important details. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Get on Cybersecurity Certification Track With These Courses

The Complete 2024 Cyber Security Expert Certification Training Bundle offers courses on various cybersecurity certifications to help individuals develop crucial skills and prepare for exams. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Fairway is the latest mortgage company to report cyber incident

Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. suffered a cyber attack due to vulnerabilities in a vendor system.
The company engaged a third-party security firm to assist in identifying impacted customers and promptly implemented a patch to rectify the vulnerability. [ more ]
3 months ago
Information security

Checklist: Network and Systems Security | TechRepublic

Identifying security risks and mitigating vulnerabilities reduces stress and volatility for cybersecurity professionals.
A network and systems security checklist can help information security professionals in managing cyberthreats. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Freddie Mac: Seller/servicers must keep up with cybersecurity threats

Freddie Mac is urging seller/servicers to prioritize cybersecurity and maintain robust information security programs to prevent and mitigate the impact of cyber incidents.
Record numbers of cybersecurity incidents against seller/servicers occurred in 2023, including social engineering attacks and the installation of malware and ransomware. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Agencies' FISMA implementation is still 'mostly ineffective,' watchdog says

Only 8 out of 23 surveyed civilian agencies were found to have effective information security programs in place.
Various causes for the ineffective programs were identified, including management accountability issues and gaps in standards and quality control. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Information security

Industry report cites deepfakes as second most common security concern

Deepfakes rank as a significant concern for UK businesses, impacting security and third-party risks.
Organizations are increasing emphasis on staff training and education to combat deepfake threats and improve information security. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Information security

Antivirus Policy | TechRepublic

Antivirus software is crucial for organizational security. Establishing an antivirus policy ensures prompt threat detection and effective incident response. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

GSA names 7 leaders to inaugural FedRAMP board

The GSA is updating the FedRAMP program with a new board for provisional approvals. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Space assets are in foreign adversaries' cyber crosshairs, DOD official says

Adversaries like China and Russia are increasingly interested in disrupting American space assets through cyberattacks, focusing on ground stations transmitting data to satellites. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

VMware security advisories just became a lot less accessible

VMware security advisories are now only viewable through a Broadcom Support account, potentially creating issues for security professionals. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Nevada Dem renews push for data privacy standards

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto reintroduced three bills aimed at adding oversight and transparency to private sector data collection.
The bills address information security standards, data collection practices, software distribution, and privacy-enhancing technologies.
Cortez Masto emphasizes the need for stronger privacy laws to protect consumers' personal information. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

VMware security advisories just became a lot less accessible

VMware security advisories are now only viewable through a Broadcom Support account, potentially creating issues for security professionals. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Nevada Dem renews push for data privacy standards

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto reintroduced three bills aimed at adding oversight and transparency to private sector data collection.
The bills address information security standards, data collection practices, software distribution, and privacy-enhancing technologies.
Cortez Masto emphasizes the need for stronger privacy laws to protect consumers' personal information. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Te years since the first corp ransomware and no end in sight

Ransomware attacks on corporations have increased over the past decade, with no sign of slowing down, posing a significant threat to information security. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

United HealthCare CEO says 'maybe a third' of U.S. citizens were affected by recent hack | TechCrunch

The cyberattack on Change Healthcare systems impacted a substantial number of Americans, with uncertainty about the exact extent of the breach. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

A Cyberattack Could Make N.Y. State's Late Budget Even Later

Cyberattacks can disrupt critical governmental processes, like budget negotiations, necessitating a shift back to less sophisticated systems. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

United HealthCare CEO says 'maybe a third' of U.S. citizens were affected by recent hack | TechCrunch

The cyberattack on Change Healthcare systems impacted a substantial number of Americans, with uncertainty about the exact extent of the breach. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

A Cyberattack Could Make N.Y. State's Late Budget Even Later

Cyberattacks can disrupt critical governmental processes, like budget negotiations, necessitating a shift back to less sophisticated systems. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Kaiser Permanente notifies 13.4 million members of data breach. City of Hope also reported breach

Kaiser Permanente apologized for inadvertently transmitting members' search information to Google and other platforms, affecting 13.4 million individuals. [ more ]
Ars Technica
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Twitter security staff kept firm in compliance by disobeying Musk, FTC says

Twitter employees prevented Musk from violating FTC settlement by limiting third-party access.
Top privacy and security executives at Twitter resigned over concerns about Musk's rapid changes. [ more ]
Ars Technica
3 months ago
OMG science

Roscosmos seeks to obscure bidding process to evade US sanctions

Russian Duma passes law directing Roscosmos to use closed bidding process for purchases.
Roscosmos initiated the idea for the law in 2019 aimed at increasing information security in space industry. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

UK: South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust reprimanded for "serious, harmful" data breach

The Information Commissioner's Office has reprimanded South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for a data breach involving the disclosure of sensitive information to an unauthorized individual.
The breach was caused by human error and the Trust failed to adequately prepare staff for handling sensitive correspondence. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

UK water company that serves millions confirms system attack

Criminals broke into Southern Water's IT systems and stole a limited amount of data.
The stolen data includes identity documents, HR-related documents, and corporate car-leasing documents. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

UK: Coventry school reprimanded for data breach after IT system 'hacked three times'

Finham Park Multi Academy Trust in Coventry has been reprimanded by the Information Commissioners Office for data breaches.
The school's IT system was hacked three times and 1,843 UK Data Subjects were affected.
The ICO found that the school did not have adequate account lockout or password policies in place. [ more ]
5 days ago
Privacy professionals

UK, Canada join forces to investigate 23andMe's mega-breach

Data protection watchdogs from the UK and Canada are jointly investigating the 23andMe data breach to determine customer harm and security safeguards. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

UK: South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust reprimanded for "serious, harmful" data breach

The Information Commissioner's Office has reprimanded South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for a data breach involving the disclosure of sensitive information to an unauthorized individual.
The breach was caused by human error and the Trust failed to adequately prepare staff for handling sensitive correspondence. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

UK water company that serves millions confirms system attack

Criminals broke into Southern Water's IT systems and stole a limited amount of data.
The stolen data includes identity documents, HR-related documents, and corporate car-leasing documents. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

UK: Coventry school reprimanded for data breach after IT system 'hacked three times'

Finham Park Multi Academy Trust in Coventry has been reprimanded by the Information Commissioners Office for data breaches.
The school's IT system was hacked three times and 1,843 UK Data Subjects were affected.
The ICO found that the school did not have adequate account lockout or password policies in place. [ more ]
5 days ago
Privacy professionals

UK, Canada join forces to investigate 23andMe's mega-breach

Data protection watchdogs from the UK and Canada are jointly investigating the 23andMe data breach to determine customer harm and security safeguards. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago
Digital life

Why you should think twice about handing over your email, number for discounts

Many popular shopping apps share personal data with third parties, including names, addresses, email IDs, and phone numbers.
Store loyalty programs and shopping apps collect and store a significant amount of personal information, including purchase history and payment details. [ more ]
#information security
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Ex-Twitter exec claims X fired him for raising security concerns after Musk-led takeover

Twitter's former global head of information security is accusing the company of wrongly firing him for raising concerns about budget cuts following the Elon Musk-led takeover.
The lawsuit alleges that Musk hired an advisor who cut Twitter's products and services that supported an FTC consent decree, and both Musk and the advisor were dismissive of the decree. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

ICO alerted after technical 'issue' exposed college files to student barristers | Computer Weekly

The Inns of Court College of Advocacy (ICCA), a leading college for barristers, experienced a data breach that allowed students to access sensitive files on hundreds of other students.
The breach exposed personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers, exam marks, previous institutions attended, ID photos, and sensitive data like health records, visa status, and parental status.
The college is investigating the breach and has notified the Information Commissioner's Office. They have also sought written undertakings from the students who accessed the files to not share the data further. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Ex-Twitter exec claims X fired him for raising security concerns after Musk-led takeover

Twitter's former global head of information security is accusing the company of wrongly firing him for raising concerns about budget cuts following the Elon Musk-led takeover.
The lawsuit alleges that Musk hired an advisor who cut Twitter's products and services that supported an FTC consent decree, and both Musk and the advisor were dismissive of the decree. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

ICO alerted after technical 'issue' exposed college files to student barristers | Computer Weekly

The Inns of Court College of Advocacy (ICCA), a leading college for barristers, experienced a data breach that allowed students to access sensitive files on hundreds of other students.
The breach exposed personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers, exam marks, previous institutions attended, ID photos, and sensitive data like health records, visa status, and parental status.
The college is investigating the breach and has notified the Information Commissioner's Office. They have also sought written undertakings from the students who accessed the files to not share the data further. [ more ]
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