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1 week ago
EU data protection

Council published residents' details on website

The Lewisham Council in south-east London mistakenly published personal details of residents commenting on a planning application online for nearly a year. [ more ]
1 week ago
EU data protection

Lewisham residents' contact details published online for almost a year in data breach

Personal details of 156 residents, uploaded for 11 months, in a South London council's planning application website, were notified only after a public member flagged the issue. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

ICO fines MoD for Afghan BCC email blunder

Britain's data watchdog has fined the Ministry of Defence £350,000 for a data breach that exposed Afghan interpreters' information.
The email blunder occurred in September 2021 and could have put the lives of the interpreters at risk if it had fallen into the hands of the Taliban. [ more ]
The Drum
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

As the Digital Markets Act's compliance deadline arrives, is your house in order?

The compliance deadline for the EU's Digital Markets Act is March 6
Consent Mode implementation for Google analytics and ad platform cookies is crucial for advertising activity. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

U.K. Home Office Migrant Tagging Scheme Breached Data Protection Rules

The UK's Home Office breached data protection law with a pilot program to use ankle tags on migrants.
The Information Commissioner's Office found that the Home Office failed to assess the privacy intrusion and provide clear information to participants in the scheme. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

West Midlands Police wrapped for data snafu

The West Midlands Police mixed up personal data of two individuals, breaching data protection laws.
The Information Commissioner's Office reprimanded the police force for failing to rectify errors and provide data protection training. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

ICO fines 2 home improvement companies for unlawful marketing calls

The U.K. Information Commissioner's Office has fined two companies for marketing phone calls to individuals on the U.K.'s "do not call" register.
Poxell was fined 150,000 GBP and Skean Homes was fined 100,000 GBP for making unsolicited marketing calls without consumer consent. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

ICO fines 2 home improvement companies for unlawful marketing calls

The U.K. Information Commissioner's Office has fined two companies for marketing phone calls to individuals on the U.K.'s "do not call" register.
Poxell was fined 150,000 GBP and Skean Homes was fined 100,000 GBP for making unsolicited marketing calls without consumer consent. [ more ]
4 months ago

ICO fines 2 home improvement companies for unlawful marketing calls

The U.K. Information Commissioner's Office has fined two companies for marketing phone calls to individuals on the U.K.'s "do not call" register.
Poxell was fined 150,000 GBP and Skean Homes was fined 100,000 GBP for making unsolicited marketing calls without consumer consent. [ more ]
6 months ago
EU data protection

NHS board sanctioned for 'stranger in hospital' data snafu

NHS Fife received a reprimand from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) for a privacy error that led to the loss of patient data.
The error occurred when an unauthorized individual was given a document containing the personal data of 14 patients and walked off with it. [ more ]
#NHS Fife
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

NHS board sanctioned for 'stranger in hospital' data snafu

NHS Fife received a reprimand from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) for a privacy error that led to the loss of patient data.
The error occurred when an unauthorized individual was given a document containing the personal data of 14 patients and walked off with it. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

NHS board sanctioned for 'stranger in hospital' data snafu

NHS Fife received a reprimand from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) for a privacy error that led to the loss of patient data.
The error occurred when an unauthorized individual was given a document containing the personal data of 14 patients and walked off with it. [ more ]
moreNHS Fife
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