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1 month ago

Most US TikTok Creators Don't Think a Ban Will Happen

Majority of US TikTok creators don't believe platform will be banned within a year. [ more ]
2 months ago

E-Commerce and the Influencer Economy

Be cautious of online product recommendations, as many are built on empty promises and fueled by influencers looking to profit. [ more ]
Podcaster News
5 months ago

Podchaser Leads The Pack In G2's Winter 2024 Media And Influencer Targeting - Podcaster News

Podchaser Pro has been ranked as the top product in the media and influencer targeting category by G2 Report.
Podchaser Pro's recognition is a testament to its value in the growing influencer economy. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Despite possible TikTok ban, Atlanta influencers remain optimistic

The influencer economy in Atlanta has grown significantly, attracting various content creators and leading to the opening of United Talent Agency's office in the city. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Advertising Is Already Underwhelmed by Widespread AI Adoption, Consumers Are Unhappy, and More

AI saturation can diminish competitive advantage in advertising. [ more ]
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