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3 weeks ago
Canada news

Sikh leaders welcome arrests in Canada activist killing, but questions loom

Sikh leaders in North America demand justice and investigate Indian government involvement in activist's killing. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Canada news

Canadian Police Make Three Arrests in Sikh Separatist Slaying That Sparked Spat With India

Canadian police arrested suspects tied to Sikh separatist leader slaying and are investigating possible connections to the Indian government. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Canada news

Police arrest 3 in Canada linked to Sikh separatist's slaying

Canada arrests suspects linked to slaying of Sikh separatist leader, investigating ties to Indian government [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

India is booming - but there are worries ahead for basic science

Funding for research in India has not increased in line with GDP growth, posing a challenge for scientists.
India's government plays a significant role in funding research compared to other countries like the United States. [ more ]
Social Media Today
1 month ago
Online Community Development

X Expands Community Notes to India Ahead of Upcoming General Election

Community Notes is welcoming new contributors.
X complied with the Indian Government's ban but disagreed with the request and vowed to challenge it legally. [ more ]
The Economic Times
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

India's DPI great model for world to learn from: Gates Foundation president

India's successful digital public infrastructure model can be used by other countries to achieve healthcare and development goals. AI can help in accelerating global development targets responsibly.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has worked closely with the Indian government on various sectors including health, agriculture, water, and sanitation. [ more ]
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