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Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 month ago

Spring Mania in Bipolar Disorder: What Is It And What To Do

Spring mania in bipolar disorder can disrupt the usual joy of spring with intense manic symptoms such as heightened energy and impulsive behavior. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
2 months ago

10 Powerful Tips to Create a Daily Routine For ADHD Adults

ADHD affects adults' daily routines with inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
Practical strategies can help ADHD adults build a daily routine for control and ease. [ more ]
3 months ago
Mental health

Scientists Find Link Between ADHD, Depression and Hypersexuality

The study shows a correlation between ADHD, depressive symptoms, hypomania, and hypersexuality, suggesting individuals may use sex as a form of 'self-medication.'
Impulsivity and emotional regulation play a significant role in the interplay between ADHD, hypersexuality, depression, and hypomania. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
6 months ago

ADHD and Exercise: The Power of Exercise in Managing ADHD

Exercise can be beneficial for individuals with ADHD by improving focus and reducing impulsivity.
Physical activity helps release chemicals in the brain that act as mood stabilizers and attention boosters.
Regular exercise can improve cognitive function and executive functioning in individuals with ADHD. [ more ]
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