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4 weeks ago

Woman Injured in Brooklyn Car Crash by Driver Fleeing NYPD

A Brooklyn man facing charges after a crash due to reckless driving. [ more ]
Brooklyn Eagle
1 month ago

New York's 'STOP-DWI' enforcement period begins Friday at 6 p.m.

Increased patrols for Memorial Day weekend to combat substance-impaired driving, with a focus on alcohol and drug-impaired driving and reckless driving. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Woman Injured in Brooklyn Car Crash by Driver Fleeing NYPD

A Brooklyn man facing charges after a crash due to reckless driving. [ more ]
Brooklyn Eagle
1 month ago

New York's 'STOP-DWI' enforcement period begins Friday at 6 p.m.

Increased patrols for Memorial Day weekend to combat substance-impaired driving, with a focus on alcohol and drug-impaired driving and reckless driving. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

Could a Single Law End Impaired Driving As We Know It? - Streetsblog USA

Experts have been developing technologies to end impaired driving on U.S. roads.
The HALT Act aims to prevent tragedies caused by drunk driving but needs support to pass. [ more ]
6 months ago

Feds' Proposed Impaired Driving Rule is a Bigger Deal Than You Think - Streetsblog USA

Federal regulators are exploring a new rule that would require cars to detect when motorists are unfit to drive.
The Impaired Driving Prevention Technology (IDPT) could automatically detect if a motorist is too drunk or high to drive safely and prevent a crash. [ more ]
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