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3 months ago

Wrestling with my husband's fear of getting COVID again

COVID's impact on mental health can be significant, even after physical symptoms fade.
Preventive measures against COVID are still crucial, especially for immunocompromised individuals. [ more ]
4 months ago

A Man Has Died From Alaskapox. Here's What We Know About the Virus

The first death from Alaskapox has been reported in Alaska, with the patient being immunocompromised due to cancer treatments.
Alaskapox was first reported in 2015 and has since had six additional cases, all in residents of the Fairbanks region. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Public health

Alaska confirms first fatal case of Alaskapox

Alaska has reported its first fatal case of Alaskapox, a recently discovered viral disease.
The victim was an elderly immunocompromised man from the Kenai peninsula, who died while undergoing treatment in late January. [ more ]
4 months ago

A Man Has Died From Alaskapox. Here's What We Know About the Virus

The first death from Alaskapox has been reported in Alaska, with the patient being immunocompromised due to cancer treatments.
Alaskapox was first reported in 2015 and has since had six additional cases, all in residents of the Fairbanks region. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Public health

Alaska confirms first fatal case of Alaskapox

Alaska has reported its first fatal case of Alaskapox, a recently discovered viral disease.
The victim was an elderly immunocompromised man from the Kenai peninsula, who died while undergoing treatment in late January. [ more ]
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