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6 months ago
Privacy professionals

U.K. Government Told To Clarify Rule Denying Migrants Access To Their Data

The U.K. government's plan to deny migrants access to their own data has suffered a setback
The Court of Appeal ruled that the government must make changes to the immigration exemption to make it clearer and set out safeguards for vulnerable immigrants [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

U.K. Govt Told To Clarify Rule Denying Migrants Access To Their Data

The U.K. government's plans to deny migrants access to their own data have suffered a setback due to a court ruling.
The Court of Appeal has ruled that the government must make changes to the immigration exemption to make it clearer and include safeguards for vulnerable immigrants. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

U.K. Government Told To Clarify Rule Denying Migrants Access To Their Data

The U.K. government's plan to deny migrants access to their own data has suffered a setback
The Court of Appeal ruled that the government must make changes to the immigration exemption to make it clearer and set out safeguards for vulnerable immigrants [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

U.K. Govt Told To Clarify Rule Denying Migrants Access To Their Data

The U.K. government's plans to deny migrants access to their own data have suffered a setback due to a court ruling.
The Court of Appeal has ruled that the government must make changes to the immigration exemption to make it clearer and include safeguards for vulnerable immigrants. [ more ]
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