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Digital Photography School
3 months ago
Graphic design

How to Know If Your Photography Is Good: The Art of Self-Critique

Technical quality is a primary consideration for images in your portfolio.
Photography subjectivity is important; aim to capture what you enjoy with your unique style. [ more ]
7 months ago
Media industry

Harsh Visuals of War Leave Newsrooms Facing Tough Choices

The war between Israel and Hamas has highlighted the weaponization of photographs and photojournalism in the age of disinformation.
News outlets are facing difficult decisions about which images to publish, considering factors such as graphic content, potential harm to the audience, and the responsibility to victims and their families.
Some images and footage are considered too gruesome or traumatic to be shown on TV, leading to a careful balance between providing realistic coverage and protecting viewers. [ more ]
| 01. Multi-part form data | 04. File Upload | Professional Web Forms
1 week ago

Multi-part form data

Utilizing a new resource route for serving images, creating a UI component for image selection, and updating actions for file uploads on a notes page. [ more ]
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