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Mail Online
4 weeks ago
OMG science

Scientists reveal how hummingbirds always avoid bumping into flowers

Hummingbirds create a 3D body map using neurons to sense air pressure changes and avoid collisions. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
2 months ago

Hummingbirds are 'on the go' in California. Here's what you'll see and how to attract them

Anna's hummingbird is the most common species in California, known for its adaptability to backyard habitats.
Male Anna's hummingbirds are easily identifiable by their iridescent emerald feathers and their unique courtship displays. [ more ]
3 months ago

Hummingbirds Control Their Flight with a Newfound Mechanism

Hummingbirds use distinct modes of visual processing for different types of flight.
Researchers discovered a unique mode that guides hummingbirds' speed during forward flight. [ more ]
1 week ago

Every Little Thing review hummingbird documentary shimmers with the best of humanity

Encounters with hummingbirds are unforgettable and inspire wonder. [ more ]
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