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4 weeks ago

Few property owners are using SB9, which allows lot splits

State attempts to eliminate single-family home zoning and increase housing density through SB9 face challenges and opposition from residents and cities. [ more ]
3 months ago
San Francisco

Day Around the Bay: UC Law San Francisco Is Suing The City Over The Tenderloin's Street Conditions (Again)

UC Hastings is suing San Francisco for not addressing drug use and homelessness around their campus despite a previous agreement.
Mayor London Breed vetoed legislation restricting housing density in Aaron Peskin's district, potentially affecting the upcoming mayoral race. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
3 months ago

Adjusted density bonus program pushes housing, affordability on commercial properties - Austin Monitor

City Council approved a housing density ordinance change modeled after the now-invalid Vertical Mixed Use 2 ordinance.
The DB90 program promotes affordable housing by incentivizing developers to include affordable units in new residential projects. [ more ]
5 months ago
NYC politics

Kathy Hochul's Housing Plan Calls Legislators' Bluff

Governor Kathy Hochul challenges state legislators to cede control to New York City on property taxes and housing density.
State legislators refuse to let the city reduce taxes on rental projects and make conversions of office properties illegal. [ more ]
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