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2 months ago
SF real estate

8 Things You Should Never Say When Buying a Home

Be cautious about what you reveal to sellers or agents during house hunting to maintain a strong negotiating position.
Avoid making negative comments about the property or revealing personal financial information to sellers or their agents. [ more ]
3 months ago
SF real estate

On the House: How Early Should I Begin Searching for a Home?

First-time homebuyers should give themselves at least six months to find a home.
Consider market competition, location, and budget when deciding when to start home search. [ more ]
Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty
3 months ago
Boston food

Please Don't Avoid Boston Condo For Sale Fixer-uppers Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

Consider fixer-uppers for affordable Boston condos
Create a categorized list of 'Must-Haves', 'Nice-To-Haves', and 'Dream State' features when house-hunting [ more ]
4 months ago

Bucking the open-plan trend: How to revamp a period Stoneybatter property without knocking down walls

Open-plan living layouts are common in modernized and new-build houses in Dublin City center, but some people prefer separate rooms for privacy.
A university professor and her partner specifically sought out a house in Dublin that did not have an open-plan layout, valuing privacy and the ability to have separate spaces for different activities. [ more ]
5 months ago
SF real estate

'My Lottery Dream Home' Is Back-and Home Shopping in a Surprising (and Cheap) New Paradise

A great view is worth every penny
Different floors provide character [ more ]
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