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PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
3 days ago

What does 'frociaggine' mean? The Pope's alleged gay slur explained

Pope Francis allegedly used the derogatory Italian term 'frociaggine' during a discussion about admitting celibate gay men to Catholic seminaries. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
1 day ago

Should LGBTQ+ believers trust the pope after his anti-gay gaffe? - LGBTQ Nation

Pope Francis used a highly offensive homophobic language 'frociaggine' during a discussion on gay seminarians, deeply affecting LGBTQ+ believers. [ more ]
3 days ago

Pope Francis apologizes for using homophobic slur during debate about gay priests

Pope Francis apologized for using a homophobic slur during a discussion about gay priests, emphasizing LGBTQ+ outreach in the church. [ more ]
2 days ago

Hot Gay Summer 2024 just got a hot new tagline courtesy of... Pope Francis?! - Queerty

Reclaiming derogatory words is a part of LGBTQ+ history. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
1 week ago
Europe politics

Italy among nine EU states not signing LGBTQ+ rights bill

Italy didn't sign EU LGBTQ+ rights bill due to similarities with existing national bill, but joined a declaration against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. [ more ]
1 month ago

School board cancels gay '30 Rock' actor's anti-bullying talk, citing his 'lifestyle'

Maulik Pancholy disinvited from middle school anti-bullying assembly due to concerns about his political activism and being openly gay. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
3 months ago

Russian media watchdog investigating Duolingo over 'LGBT propaganda'

Russia's media watchdog, Roskomnadzor, is investigating Duolingo for allegedly spreading 'LGBT propaganda'.
The investigation follows Russia's strict anti-LGBTQ+ laws and a complaint filed by a 'human rights' group. [ more ]
4 months ago

Homophobia causes 'crisis of morale' in Montana school system

Anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments are creating a crisis of morale in Frenchtown public schools.
Teachers and parents have voiced concerns about homophobia and an unsafe work environment. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US Elections

Sadiq Khan urges Labour to call out Donald Trump on sexism and racism

London mayor Sadiq Khan criticizes former US president Donald Trump for being racist, sexist, and homophobic, emphasizing the importance of calling out such behavior. [ more ]
3 months ago

Black LGBTQ+ candidates still face bigotry - here's how they're fighting it

Record 141 Black LGBTQ+ candidates ran in 2022 U.S. elections
Report highlights obstacles like racism, homophobia, financial challenges for Black LGBTQ+ candidates. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Unhinged GOP candidate calls Joe Biden "weak & gay" as she begs Donald Trump to endorse her - LGBTQ Nation

Republican candidate Valentina Gomez used homophobic rhetoric to gain Trump's endorsement in Missouri AG primary. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Yung Miami continues to atone for past homophobic remarks by partnering with GLAAD for Pride - Queerty

Yung Miami announced a Pride collection through her brand Caresha Please, aiming to make amends for past homophobic comments. [ more ]
2 months ago

Nigerian director on his queer film and the lynching of a gay friend

Homophobia is pervasive in Nigeria despite progress in LGBTQ+ rights globally
African filmmakers face challenges in addressing taboo subjects like LGBTQ+ rights [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
3 months ago

Some say this TikTok track is homophobic - the truth is quite different

Many LGBTQ+ TikTok users embraced the viral sound of Central Cee's song 'Doja,' using it to identify themselves and their LGBTQ+ partners.
Homophobes also embraced the track, using it to make derogatory comments and reinforce negative stereotypes. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
1 month ago

Cardi B addresses homophobia accusations after divisive Baby Reindeer opinion

Cardi B clarifies her comments on homosexuality and sexual assault. [ more ]
Towleroad Gay News
1 month ago

Group Of Gay Footballers 'set Date To Reveal Identities Imminently With Couples In Hiding' - Towleroad Gay News

Professional footballers in Germany planning to come out collectively as gay on May 17 to support LGBTQ+ community. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
1 month ago

Several professional footballers plan to come out in a few weeks, report says

Professional footballers planning to come out as gay on 17 May.
International Day Against Homophobia used as a symbolic date for the coming out plan. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

Judge in Laurence Fox libel case savages actor with statement as he faces huge bill

Mrs. Justice Collins Rice ordered Laurence Fox to pay damages for calling two individuals paedophiles, citing the libel as homophobic and harmful. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
1 month ago

NBA star claims other players are having sex with men and trans women

NBA players exposed to diverse sexual encounters due to desensitization from porn leading to engagement with trans individuals and men. [ more ]
1 month ago

Pennsylvania School Board Reinstates Gay Author's Speech Amid Backlash

The Pennsylvania school board reversed the decision to cancel a gay author's anti-bullying speech due to pressure from the community. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

"We're into MEN not sissies!": This flag for "masculine gays" has everyone rolling their eyes

Creating a flag to represent marginalized masculine gays led to backlash within the LGBTQ+ community, emphasizing the need to combat homophobia within it. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
1 month ago

LGBTQ+ Africans fled to a UN refugee camp to escape brutal persecution. It followed them there.

Isaac Smith is part of a group of queer individuals seeking safety in South Sudan.
Homophobic violence and discrimination have pushed Smith and others to flee their home countries. [ more ]
3 months ago

Love or Hate Valentine's Day?

Gina Prince-Bythewood's directorial debut, 'Love & Basketball', explores the game of emotional one-on-one between Monica and Quincy.
'Rye Lane' is a charming walk-and-talk film that showcases the vibrant neighborhood and delightful banter between Dom and Yas.
Ira Sachs's film 'Love Is Strange' tells a moving story about a couple, George and Ben, who are forced apart by homophobia and real estate issues. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
4 months ago

All of Us Strangers director Andrew Haigh: 'It's always surprising when queer content breaks through'

All of Us Strangers is a critically acclaimed ghostly gay romance film that has received multiple BAFTA nominations.
The film explores the queer experience in relation to family and the challenges faced by individuals coming of age in the homophobic era of the '80s and '90s. [ more ]
3 months ago

'Persona 3 Reload' Still Can't Imagine A World That Respects Trans People

The Persona series has a history of homophobia and transphobia, which has been a struggle for its queer fanbase.
In the most recent release, Persona 3 Reload, Atlus removed a transphobic scene but still fails to portray a world where trans people are respected. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
6 months ago

Mike Johnson said his friends would use trans-inclusive laws to spy on girls

Mike Johnson made transphobic and homophobic statements in a 2016 interview, claiming his friends would lie about their gender identity to spy on girls.
Johnson's comments perpetuate the false belief that allowing trans people in spaces aligned with their gender identity leads to increased sexual assault.
A study from the Williams Institute found no evidence supporting the claim that trans-inclusive public facilities increase sexual assault cases. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
6 months ago

Opinion: 'As a lesbian I'll always stand with trans people'

Cisgender allyship is crucial during Transgender Awareness Week.
Transphobia has been peddled under the guise of protecting cis lesbians, despite studies showing that transphobia leads to a rise in homophobia.
Cisgender lesbians overwhelmingly accept trans people, with 84% holding a positive view and 92% personally knowing a trans person. [ more ]
The Atlantic
3 months ago
Social justice

A Rainbow Coalition of Haters

Some Republicans believe that tapping into right-wing gender politics can attract Black and Latino men.
There is a belief that misogynistic and homophobic appeals may help the Republican Party win over Black and Hispanic men with sexist views. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
4 months ago
Europe news

Gay man from Chechnya who was tortured in a police station finally escaped Russia

A gay Chechen man has fled Russia after months of torture and abuse in a police station basement.
Dadayev was outed by local extortionists and detained because of his sexual orientation. [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

Jewish students condemn antisemitic tweets about French PM Gabriel Attal

The French Union of Jewish Students is calling for sanctions against people who have written antisemitic and homophobic comments about France's new prime minister, Gabriel Attal, on social media.
Attal, who is France's youngest prime minister and the first openly gay politician in the job, has faced a wave of antisemitic and homophobic commentary on social media after his appointment.
The French government delegation tasked with fighting racism, antisemitism, and anti-LGBTQ+ hatred will report any hate comments to the interior ministry's Pharos platform. [ more ]
#conspiracy theories
LGBTQ Nation
5 months ago

Pete Buttigieg slams Mike Johnson for promoting a homophobic book that attacked him

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg responds to homophobic insults and conspiracy theories in a book promoted by House Speaker Mike Johnson.
Buttigieg criticizes the author for focusing on his identity rather than discussing how to improve the country. [ more ]
5 months ago

CNN Reveals Speaker Johnson Wrote the Forward For A Book That Spreads PizzaGate' Conspiracy Theory And Uses Homophobic Slurs

House Speaker Mike Johnson wrote the introduction for a conspiracy theory-promoting book
The book embraces the discredited PizzaGate conspiracy theory and contains homophobic slurs [ more ]
moreconspiracy theories
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
5 months ago

Matt Walsh says it's better a child has no arm than gay parents

Right-wing pundit Matt Walsh made homophobic comments on his show, claiming it's better for a child to be missing one arm than to have gay parents.
Research has shown that children raised by LGBTQ+ parents thrive just as well, if not better, than those raised by heterosexual parents. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe politics

With his speakership already collapsing, Mike Johnson resorts to bashing gay high schoolers

Louisiana Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, who has a history of anti-gay views, has engaged in gay-bashing in a recent fundraising email.
Johnson expressed concern about LGBTQ+ high school students and claimed that America is beyond redemption.
Johnson has a history of making extreme claims about homosexuality, including linking it to the fall of the Roman Empire. [ more ]
6 months ago

One in five LGBTQ+ Londoners have experienced hate crime on public transport, report warns

43% of LGBTQ+ people in London feel uneasy or on edge when using public transport.
82% of respondents change their behavior out of concern for their safety while using public transport.
65% of respondents who experienced abuse or harm when traveling in London said bystanders did not intervene. [ more ]
6 years ago

Mississippi Is Now Home To America's Most Anti-LGBTQ Law. Here's Why My Family Still Won't Leave.

The author expresses their disbelief and anger at the government's laws against them in Mississippi.
They question how people can claim to be Christian while condoning cruelty and ignoring the teachings of Jesus. [ more ]
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