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Blue Seat Blogs
1 week ago
New York Rangers

To Rempe or not to Rempe, that is the question - Blue Seat Blogs

The Rangers are still in contention despite the loss in Game 1, and the decision to play Matt Rempe is a hot topic.
Matt Rempe's skill set adds value beyond physicality, potentially providing a spark for the Rangers and influencing the opponents. [ more ]
Blue Seat Blogs
1 month ago
New York Rangers

Thoughts on the Trouba/Schneider swap - Blue Seat Blogs

The Rangers made a significant lineup change swapping Trouba and Schneider for defensive balance and performance improvement. [ more ]
Fear the Fin
2 months ago
San Jose Sharks

Quick bites: Stars' quick strikes sink Sharks

Dallas Stars scored quick goals against San Jose Sharks through turnovers and fast breaks.
Stars capitalized on intercepting the Sharks' puck to create scoring opportunities. [ more ]
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