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2 weeks ago

Review: Raul Esparza is brilliant in Galileo'; the rest of the show can't keep up

Galileo: A Rock Musical presents a cautionary tale with a mesmerizing performance but fails to add significant depth or new insights into the well-known story of Galileo. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
3 weeks ago

Five trans historical icons you've probably never heard of

Trans+ History Week highlights the long-standing existence of gender-diverse individuals throughout history. [ more ]
2 months ago

Free And Cheap Things To Do In London This Week: 25-31 March 2024

Dan Maier's vibrant art wraps at Southgate station and library inspired by local history and horticulture.
Opportunities to learn about historic figures like Ruth Mallory and environmental issues like the toxic legacy of lead. [ more ]
2 months ago

Around the world, cinephiles say meh' to Hollywood's Oscar nominees

Hollywood films focus on entertainment rather than uplifting content
Oppenheimer film praised for depicting a complicated historical figure [ more ]
1 year ago
France politics

Which French figure has the most streets named after them?

Streets in France named after famous historical figures.
Primary education was made free and compulsory by Jules Ferry. [ more ]
3 months ago

This Taylor Swift Theory About "The Bolter" Points To A Scandalous Woman

Fans speculate Taylor Swift's new song 'The Bolter' on her upcoming album is inspired by Lady Idina Sackville, known for her scandalous life in Kenya.
Swift often draws inspiration from historically significant women in her songwriting, connecting their stories to her own experiences. [ more ]
3 months ago
France politics

Marine Le Pen to defy Macron's request not to attend event for WW2 resistance hero

Marine Le Pen defies request to stay away from national ceremony honoring WWII resistance hero
President Macron suggests far-right representatives should not attend event honoring historical figures [ more ]
3 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Gaza's social media activists are a potent force for change in the fight against racism | Kenneth Mohammed

Ordinary activists using social media to highlight the truth of suffering in Palestine.
Giants of history like Marcus Garvey, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, and Malcolm X inspired movements for justice and equality. [ more ]
23 hours ago

Opus Dei funding a Charles Manson record and a Ku Klux Klan couplet: Scandals of the Spanish underground

The article discusses the creation of a unique identity through historical figures and the construction of a national epic in Spain. [ more ]
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